I purchased a ToneX One pedal back in March and have enjoyed it. However, I have recently started having issues where the pedal flashes ( I.e., all LEDs flash) and it intermittently shuts off. I thought it might be that I didn't set the input trim correctly. When I checked, I found that it was set so that it turned green but didn't clip into the red.
I am currently running without and gates, compression, or reverb. I am starting with just an amp and I am running stacked overdrives in front of the pedal.
Does anyone know if this behavior is normal? Is it possible I'm hitting the front end of the pedal too hard? I haven't tried just the guitar plugged into the ToneX One to see if it does the same thing.
How do you contact support? I went to support thinking I would put a support request in, but all I could do is search their site.
I just bought another pedal thinking I would try to set up a wet/dry setup, but my first pedal keeps intermittently shutting off.