HELP.... how does iRig HD X Work

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HELP.... how does iRig HD X Work

Postby VmusicV » Fri May 10, 2024 10:03 pm

I have an iRig HD X. I would to use it send my guitar output into my iPad, and specifically I use AUM and add various effects (delay, reverb, distortion)...

I was finally able to get the signal into the iPad.

SooOOOoo I want to take the modified signal (with the delay, distortion, etc.) back out of the iPad and send it off to my PA system, or speaker.

I can only seem to get the original signal out, not the one with fx.

Which of the 4 settings at top should I use?
Where or which output on the iRig HD X provides the signal coming back out of the iPad?

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Re: HELP.... how does iRig HD X Work

Postby Peter_IK » Fri May 10, 2024 10:21 pm

You would use the multi-function knob to set the Amp Out to FX instead of THRU. This is covered in section 3.2 of the iRig HD X User Manual available in your IK Product Manager or on the iRig HD X pages of our web site. Thank you.
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