iRig HD 2 - new user - Issues

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iRig HD 2 - new user - Issues

Postby Beasties » Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:03 pm

Hi all

My iRig HD 2 arrived today, and although I'm happy with what it seems to do, I've had a few issues and I'm wondering if my device is faulty.

I've only used the AmpliTube 5 SE software so far. Installed on 2 MACs.

1st MAC, connected up fine, but before I'd plugged the guitar in I noticed a significant hum, I unplugged the guitar lead in case it was that, but no, with just the iRig connected the default settings were creating a very noticeable hum. I dropped the output to -20db and that seems to take care of it (after fiddling with gain and volume settings). After that it seemed to be ok. I also noticed that with the guitar plugged in, when I touched the mac I'd get an extra buzz in the sound. Generally though it sounded okay, but it seemed odd to me that the "out of the box" settings were noisy. Not a great first impression.

I then switched to another mac, but this time more problems. Even with the output set down to -20db there was a lot of noise and crackles. Also when moving the iRig while trying to get the cable into a position with less noise, the blue LED dimmed and stayed dim, I had to restart the Amplitube software to get the iRig to reconnect. But even with it connected the noise on the line was just unplayable.

I tried both a brand new guitar cable bought for the purpose, and a tried and tested cable taken out of my amp.

The first mac is under 2 years old but is last gen, the other is current gen and only about 2 months old. The new one was the one that the iRig kept disconnecting from.

It feels to me like the guitar socket isn't properly wired allowing a lot of noise. And I'm a bit concerned about the disconnects.

Should I be returning my unit? Or am I missing something?

Thanks in advance.
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2024 9:04 pm

Re: iRig HD 2 - new user - Issues

Postby Beasties » Sat Feb 03, 2024 1:39 pm

I returned the iRig HD 2, and replaced it with an iRig HD X, which is behaving much more as I'd expect! No noise and no disconnects, so all good. Really liking it so far. Bought the Orange and Jimi Hendrix packs for Amplitube, and am having fun playing with them.
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2024 9:04 pm

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