AXE I/O vs AXE I/O SOLO - quality differences

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AXE I/O vs AXE I/O SOLO - quality differences

Postby e.disanto » Sat May 01, 2021 6:17 pm

Dear all,
I’ve decides to buy an AXE interface, but I’m uncertain if go with the classic I/O or the I/O SOLO.
I’m aware about the different number of inputs and outputs, tuner and preset knob, what I’d like to know is any “quality” difference...maybe SOLO has a different frequency range? Different noise control? Or lower output/headphones gain (since it’s usb powered)? I searched on IK website as well, but was not able to find any comparison table or something else.
Some additional doubts:
1. Both AXEs are not compatible with iPad or iPhone, even if I use the camera kit, aren’t they?
2. If I want to use AXE (classic or SOLO) live, I should use the rear lineout interface to connect to an amplifier in order to listen to processed signal, right? (If I understood well, front Amp Out is used to send the clean/no effects guitar signal)

Thanks to all for any suggestion.
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Re: AXE I/O vs AXE I/O SOLO - quality differences

Postby Peter_IK » Tue May 04, 2021 5:50 pm

The internals are the same, save for the I/O which doesn't exist on SOLO but does on AXE I/O.

1) Neither are spec'd for iOS. You could try using a CCK but your results may vary and it isn't an officially supported configuration.

2) Amp Out will only send a dry signal for re-amping or similar. For effected signal you'd use the other outputs (on the rear and/or headphone out).
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Re: AXE I/O vs AXE I/O SOLO - quality differences

Postby e.disanto » Tue May 04, 2021 8:30 pm

Thank you so much for you feedback Peter!
I felt like I had read a different frequency response on ik multimedia site (higher on SOLO).


[edit] I've downloaded manuals for both devices, it seems that SOLO has higher Frequency Response (on both instrument input and line out) than its parent... Is it normal?
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Re: AXE I/O vs AXE I/O SOLO - quality differences

Postby e.disanto » Wed May 12, 2021 8:51 pm

Dear all,
I just received my AXE I/O (classic), it works great (except for the tuner, it doesn’t seem so accurate).
It’s a fantastic interface, made for guitarists, and last but not the least... it works with iPad Air 2!!!
I tried to connect it through Camera Connection Kit (original cck by Apple) and used with both Amplitube CS for iPad and Bias FX 2; I think all apps will recognize it like an input interface :D

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