iRig Stomp I/O instability in Cubase 11

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iRig Stomp I/O instability in Cubase 11

Postby bdbutler74 » Sat Mar 20, 2021 11:39 pm

I am hoping that some of you may have seen this and its just a simple setting. I currently have a support ticket in, and while I wait for an response I'm trying to research some of the issues to make sure its not an ID10T error. :D

My stomp I/O seems to disconnect and reconnect on its own. I am currently using it as an interface with Cubase 11 and Cubase 10.5 It will disconnect and reconnect about 10 times in 30 seconds, which will then cause Cubase to lock up and make "the" noise. I also tried using it with Amplitube 4 and 5 in standalone mode and get similar issues causing them to either crash without warning or just freeze.

I have tried the following:
1. Uninstalled and reinstalled the ASIO driver. Which worked wonders with AT5 until I tried to launch Cubase.
2. I have tried multiple variations of restart, shut down and restart, and unplugging and plugging in the hardware at different times during this process.
3. I have tried updating all the drivers involved
4. I have tried a brand new USB cable as well.
5. I have also made sure that the hardware is not in standalone MIDI mode.
6. I have tried with and without the PSU
7. I have tried deleting the settings for AT4 and AT5 and restarting both of those programs.

I would love to know if anyone else has come up with a simple solution to this issue. This seems to coincide with Windows updates as I have had this happen many times in the past. In the past though...simple updates solved the problem. Thank you for your help.

And if either of the moderators are seeing this and can lend a hand on the support side my ticket number is 1459208 opened 3/15/2021. I know they are very busy and definitely appreciate their workload.

Thank you all for your help.
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Joined: Fri Dec 27, 2019 1:35 am

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