blueboard not sending command signals to daws

AXE I/O, AXE I/O Solo, iRig Stomp I/O, Guitar and Bass Audio Interfaces/Controllers, iRig Keys I/O and the iRig Keys family of MIDI controllers

blueboard not sending command signals to daws

Postby ovelasco26 » Fri Feb 19, 2021 4:03 am


I don't seem to have much luck with IK products. I was using a stomp i/o but have decided on a blueboard for midi control and an audio interface for connecting my guitar to ableton. For a while blueboard was not connecting to the app not matter what I did. After much trouble shooting I figured that I have to first open blueboard app, turn on bluetooth, turn on blueboard in proprietary mode then go into audio midi setup, open bluetooth configuration and then the blueboard will connect to the app. Only if I use this sequence will blueboard then control Amplitube in ableton live or in standalone.

My issues now is that using that same annoying sequence, blueboard is no longer sending control signals to AT or ableton even though it is connected to the app. I go to add parameters, stomp bypass and learn. I press a button on blueboard and nada. I have already made sure that both ableton and AT have been set to allow control from blueboard. Any suggestions from anyone? Many thanks in advance.

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16GB RAM, OS Catalina
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