Recording acoustic guitar into GarageBand via the iRig inter

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Recording acoustic guitar into GarageBand via the iRig inter

Postby backinhumanform » Tue Jun 23, 2020 2:08 pm

My acoustic guitar is a Martin, with pickups installed by the shop where I bought it, with a single volume control. When I record via the iRig, GarageBand records it at a very low volume, even when I turn the volume switch on the guitar up to the maximum. Is there some setting I am missing here, or is the iRig not good for this use?

I was able to record something workable into GarageBand by playing a Yamaha Compass Series acoustic-electric guitar, but only after turning up all of the pre-installed pickup controls to the maximum. But even then, it still isn't great. I would only expect poor or zero sound if the pickup controls were all turned right down.

I am using the iRig 1, that was released in 2010. Just took it out of the box, ha.
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