Ok, This is my first post to the forums, please bear with me.
I purchased a used Stealth Pedal and there was no box or cd with it. (It seems to me that someone wanted the Amplitube and not the Stealth Pedal). I have no product code to be able to register it, so at present, it is only good as a door stop.
Now ... What gets me is this. The Stealth Pedal is now a Legacy unit and I assume unsupported by IK Multimedia for driver updates etc. I can't be the only 2nd owner to have this issue and logic tells me that this is a missed P.R exercise for IK. Their slogan is "Musicians First" and what better way to achieve that than to have people using their product ?
What would make common sense is for IK Multimedia to make legacy drivers available for a charge (this is not a case of "something for nothing") and would enable 2nd users of Stealth Pedals possible and useable. With the current system of "one registration per product, one time" puts people off of IK Multimedia products and affects their popularity. As it stands, it's "Buy it new and if it is neither supported or wanted, it goes in the bin" on such an expensive unit, for sure, puts me off of further IK Purchases and loss of sales of other additions in "Custom Shop", which is where IK could make a fortune.
Does anyone have any suggestions here ?
Kind Regards