copying presets from IOS file sharing to USB

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copying presets from IOS file sharing to USB

Postby audioactive7 » Fri Nov 09, 2018 5:47 pm


Going on the road next week. In a bind as my iPad Air 2 has ceased to connect with iTunes where my meticulously crafted presets for 2 sets are stored via file sharing. I can easily use Amplitube with a laptop if I could import the presets stored via file sharing.

Is that possible using Amplitube with a laptop? If so, how is it done?
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Re: copying presets from IOS file sharing to USB

Postby audioactive7 » Sun Nov 11, 2018 12:31 am

Update to my previous post;

In spite of all the typical remedies, because my iPad Air 2 has ceased to connect via USB to my laptop have 2 scenarios, neither of which is working for me

1) Use another iPad, not belonging/registered to me, to load my 2 sets of presets for the show. I have tried to import via file sharing in iTunes to this iPad to no avail. I suspect that this other iPad may not be correctly logging into my IK account based on "restore my purchases" which isn't restoring all my purchases.

2) Bring a MacPro laptop running 10.11.6 (as high as it will go) to run Amplitube 4 via the iRig Stomp I/O USB connection, forgoing the iPad. But, for whatever reason, following all the established instructions, I can't get Amplitube to see any of my imported .xml patches!!!

Going a little nutso here. ANYONE?
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Re: copying presets from IOS file sharing to USB

Postby Peter_IK » Fri Nov 16, 2018 7:08 pm

Since other users have not chimed in for a while, I'd suggest taking your questions up with IK Support for some official tech support at

Thank you.
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