AXE I/O Solo All Inputs Dead after 2 Years

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AXE I/O Solo All Inputs Dead after 2 Years

Postby JoelBaumgardner1 » Thu Nov 21, 2024 3:18 am


I've put this Q to the IK product support team but haven't heard back yet so I thought I would throw this out to see if anyone can help in the meantime. Note there was a similar topic on this problem 2 years ago but no one responded. Here's my issue ...

My Axe I/O Solo worked fine for over 2.5 years but now all inputs are dead. Everything else seems fine.

The USB red light is lit on the Solo interface and output plays fine through the Solo when playing computer sound (system sounds, Spotify, previously recorded DAW files, etc.), but both channel 1 and channel 2 inputs are dead. dB meters show nothing. Gain knobs have no effect. I've tried using 2 different guitars and 2 different cables on both channels. I've tried plugging in a mic. I've bypassed my pedal board. The guitars and cables and mic and pedals all work fine when connected directly my regular amps.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the IK control panel software & drivers (Version: App: 1.0.0 0G13 Firmware: 1.0.0, Driver: 4.86.0), restarted the computer and the Solo, but nothing changes, still no input. The control panel software dB meters show output sound from the computer, but although the green "INST" light in on in the control panel software, the input meters are dead (and not muted). If I unplug the guitar cable the "INST" light goes off, so it's reading a plug, but registers no signal. I have not changed the configuration settings (48 kHz, 512 buffer, Mono direct monitoring, ASIO driver in my DAW). I have not had any recent computer software installs. My computer is able to receive input from my webcam mic, so other than the Axe I/O Solo input being dead, all else is fine on my machine (Windows 11 Home, v23H2, Intel i7-13700K, 3.4 GHz, 64GB Ram).

I am thinking either I inadvertently changed a setting, or since I noticed some static electricity lately, could it be that I shorted the 2 input circuits on the Solo when I touched the unit and got a little static zap? Is that possible?

Any help or troubleshooting ideas would be most welcome! Thank you.
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Apr 23, 2022 9:15 pm

Re: AXE I/O Solo All Inputs Dead after 2 Years

Postby DC_IK » Wed Nov 27, 2024 12:20 am

Contact the IK Support team via
They can help you troubleshoot and look into this more in depth.
Posts: 112
Joined: Wed Feb 09, 2022 8:54 pm

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