How to Connect Tonex One with AXE I/O one interface

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How to Connect Tonex One with AXE I/O one interface

Postby fingersmcginty » Wed Jul 10, 2024 11:37 am

Hello, I received the tonex one the other day and I'm trying to figure out how I connect The tonex one to my axe I/O one interface. Is it guitar to tonex one and then output of tonex one to axe I/O one guitar input? This is the way i have it connected and it doesn't sound good at all. Please help.
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Re: How to Connect Tonex One with AXE I/O one interface

Postby Peter_IK » Wed Jul 10, 2024 4:39 pm

That would be the way to use TONEX ONE directly into an audio interface. But you wouldn't plug it into the guitar input unless you turned Z-TONE off because that is for a guitar directly connected to input 1 on AXE I/O.

However, since you have an AXE I/O, an easier solution would be to use plug your guitar into input 1 (and you can use the Z-TONE controls for this if you wish) and running the TONEX software on your computer. You'd be using the same Tone Models/presets without one more piece of gear in the chain to complicate things.
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Re: How to Connect Tonex One with AXE I/O one interface

Postby fingersmcginty » Wed Jul 10, 2024 5:13 pm

Peter_IK wrote:That would be the way to use TONEX ONE directly into an audio interface. But you wouldn't plug it into the guitar input unless you turned Z-TONE off because that is for a guitar directly connected to input 1 on AXE I/O.

However, since you have an AXE I/O, an easier solution would be to use plug your guitar into input 1 (and you can use the Z-TONE controls for this if you wish) and running the TONEX software on your computer. You'd be using the same Tone Models/presets without one more piece of gear in the chain to complicate things.

Thanks .... that makes sense
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