Irig Stomp IO wah sensor fail

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Irig Stomp IO wah sensor fail

Postby edwardE4R104 » Wed Mar 06, 2024 5:30 am


The (if I remember correctly from having it opened up) wah utilizes a hall effect sensor. Well, mine up and quit. I was hoping it was a calibration issue, but when I run the calibration routine, I get a blinking red light indicating failure.

Can I buy the hall effect sensor on it's little dedicated PCB or do I have to make a new one myself? If it's the latter, what's the main board looking for in terms of a signal. 0-3.3v? What's the pinout of the connector. I haven't tried to take measurements off the wah sensor board yet, but I suspect since it's not working, I may not get representative values. Also, I'm not sure what the virtual switch for the wah is as noting has ever worked for me in that regard. This goes back to pre-modifying too.

Thanks for any insights.
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