Hi Everybody
I've an AXE I/O, usb connected in a laptop with this features:
Nome dispositivo LAPTOP-E5234LAV
Processore Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8565U CPU @ 1.80GHz 1.99 GHz
RAM installata 8,00 GB (7,85 GB utilizzabile)
ID dispositivo 5BD11CC6-AD73-4499-9341-02ED64A045BD
ID prodotto 00325-96578-01263-AAOEM
Tipo sistema Sistema operativo a 64 bit, processore basato su x64
With amplitube 5 abd with trhe sequencer the audio is always disturbing.
I try to set the latency but I had no resoults.
I disconnected the onboard sound card.