AXE I/O Not sending output

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AXE I/O Not sending output

Postby bob.devivo » Sat Feb 12, 2022 5:25 pm

I'm hoping this is something simple that I am overlooking. Maybe some setting I inadvertently changed and didn't realize, but I'm having an issue with my AXE I/O and am hoping maybe I can get some help troubleshooting it.

I've had my AXE I/O setup for a couple years. I have the left out 1 and 2 connected to a stereo. I have a guitar cord in input 1. When I turn the "Monitor" knob at all from full clockwise, I can hear my bass (without effects), but when I have it turned all the way to the right I'm getting no output at all.

In Amplitube 5, I have the input listed as AXE IO ASIO, Left Channel In 1, Right Channel In 2.

Output says AXE IO ASIO, Left Channel Out 1 Right Channel Out 2.

In Control Panel I can see the audio input light up when I play. The Direct Monitoring is set to stereo.

I can't think of anything that might have changed since the last time I used it. I've tried updating AmpliTube 5 to the latest version. I've rebooted the PC and powered off/on the AXE I/O. I've tried putting in headphones and I'm not getting any sound through the headphone when monitor is turned to the far right, but it does play clean sound when I turn it to the left at all.

I am getting Windows sound through the AXE I/O to the stereo (meaning that a YouTube video plays sound, for example).

Any suggestions on things I could try to get this working again? Any help is appreciated. If I figure it out, I'll post a reply.

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Joined: Mon May 25, 2020 8:09 pm

Re: AXE I/O Not sending output

Postby bob.devivo » Sun Feb 13, 2022 6:45 pm

Well, I said if I got it working on my own, I would post a reply. I was able to get it working again--still not really sure what happened.

I tried connecting the AXE I/O to a different computer, and tried it to make sure it wasn't a hardware issue. It worked normally on the other computer. I plugged it back into my main computer that had stopped working and it still wasn't working.

In AmpliTube, I tried changing Technology drop down from ASIO to DirectSound, and I could hear sound coming through my headphone and speakers both. I then changed it back to ASIO and boom it's working normally again.

Everything in the settings looks exactly the same as it did when it wasn't working, but for some reason going to DirectSound then back to ASIO must have reset something behind the scenes and made it start working again.

I'm surprised that multiple reboots of the computer and the AXE I/O didn't accomplish the same thing, but apparently something was stuck that changing the technology drop down unstuck. Oh well, at least it's working now.
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon May 25, 2020 8:09 pm

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