Axe - Amplitube - VocalLive combo on PC

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Axe - Amplitube - VocalLive combo on PC

Postby michael.coar » Fri Jan 21, 2022 10:27 pm


So I'm on a quest to have a single box to drag along on gigs. One where I plug my Guitar into 1 channel, and a mic in the other. Then 2 outputs to the mixing board, or maybe an additional output to an amp.

I have and love my Axe I/O. I have Amplitube 5 on PC. And I have Amplitube and VocalLive on iPad.

What I was hoping to do is use channel 1 on the Axe to plug my guitar into and channel 2 for a mic.

Then use Amplitube where I' running 2 signal chains. Guitar for channel 1 in and out (and maybe 5 for an amp). And then for the Channel 2, use it for the mic.

I'm using a pretty new MS Surface, so I've got enough gas in the device to do this.

But what I would love to have is the Vocal Live stomp boxes in Amplitube for the 2nd channel. Particularly the Harmonizer.

Any chance I can get those Vocal Live plugs into the PC version of Amplitube?


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