Can someone post screen shots of IRIG 2 settings?

AXE I/O, AXE I/O Solo, iRig Stomp I/O, Guitar and Bass Audio Interfaces/Controllers, iRig Keys I/O and the iRig Keys family of MIDI controllers

Can someone post screen shots of IRIG 2 settings?

Postby Milew8181 » Sun Sep 26, 2021 10:10 pm

I bought this due to returning the AX/IO (same issues) now I am still confused. I have a dell laptop windows 10, i7 500GB SSD and 8GB RAM. I downloaded ASIO. IRIG 2 HD has my guitar going into IRIG and IRIG Into the laptop. Ampitube 5 opened. I can ONLY select Direct sound and it is massive feed back and about a 1 second lag. It sounds like distortion over distortion over distortion. I am so frustrated because all I see are videos of people connecting them to their pc and boom it works perfectly. I see no videos on troubleshooting. When I select ASIO for direct sound I get massive screeching and feedback.

What exactly needs set to get this to work without lag or noise? actually sound like I am playing my guitar? I clearly am not an expert so explaining in novice terms will help.

Would like to know exact settings someone has setup playing direct into a windows pc. I am so frustrated with this, especially after the AX/IO and having the same issue and support being not very helpful .Telling me you need ASIO doesn't help .What exactly needs selected and has anyone selected ASIO and immediately got crazy screaming noise that the whole house can hear? The pc speakers are find since everything else comes out clear.
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Re: Can someone post screen shots of IRIG 2 settings?

Postby Milew8181 » Sun Sep 26, 2021 10:47 pm

Also, the only way I get sound is to have these settings, crazy lag, and when I drop the buffer size the sound gets much worse as in gargling static sound the highest has the most lag. If I selct ASIO my pc SCREAMS until I switch it

PLEASE someone help me, I watch so many people do this direct from windows pc to IRIG with nothing else and it sounds fine

Well, tried to paste a screen shot. Can't attached pictures here?

I also, under MIDI input the only option is "any"

As of now I have
Direct sound
Microphone IRIG2
SPeakers headphones

This is the only way I get sound, really bad, really latent sound. And when I drop the buffer size the sound gets worse. It is best at highest, but still static and still about a half second lag
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Re: Can someone post screen shots of IRIG 2 settings?

Postby Milew8181 » Wed Sep 29, 2021 4:52 pm

Any chance I can get some input?
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Re: Can someone post screen shots of IRIG 2 settings?

Postby DarkStar » Thu Sep 30, 2021 10:37 am

I am sorry to hear about the problems you are running into.

As this is primarily a user to user forum, someone-else may chip in. But please remember that the same symptoms do not necessarily mean the same problem.

But as no-one has, the best thing to do is check the FAQs, via here. If they do not resolve the issue, there is a link at the top of the Search FAQs page to the Technical Support form, for some one to one investigation and help. Response time aims to be within 2 working days (US (East Coast) Business hours, generally), but in the current circumstances please allow some more time.

And, to help others who run into a similar problem, please let us know what you did to resolve the problem. Please do not quote directly any correspondence from Support, as that may apply only to your particular circumstances and may lead others down the wrong track.
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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