I was running an Akai LPK25 keyboard into my iPad via a camera kit. Among other things, with that setup I could put the LPK25 USB output through a powered USB hub into the camera kit, which ensured that the iPad was charged as well.
I hooked my iRig 2 keys into my iPad using the same setup--USB out from the iRig 2, into the powered hub, and from the powered hub into the iPad. MIDI Wrench shows that the iPad recognizes the iRig 2. (It just occurred to me that I didn't check MIDI Wrnech to see what kind of messages it was getting from the iRig. I'll do that next.)
I then hooked up the keys to the iPad using the supplied USB to Lightning cable. The synths now respond to the iRig keys 2, which is great, but I can't charge the iPad while I do that.
How do I set this up so I can charge the iPad while I use the iRIg keys?