Question about expression an pedal and my midi controller

AXE I/O, AXE I/O Solo, iRig Stomp I/O, Guitar and Bass Audio Interfaces/Controllers, iRig Keys I/O and the iRig Keys family of MIDI controllers

Question about expression an pedal and my midi controller

Postby supanorton » Sat Mar 06, 2021 9:35 am

Hi all. My midi controller is an M-Audio Keystation 88es. It’s several years old and has suited my needs for midi keyboards with SampleTank and the Hammond b3x into a 1st generation iRig Pro Duo into a MacBook Pro. The controller has two inputs: one for a sustain pedal, which I have and works perfectly and one for volume, which I’ve never used.

I’d like to experiment with the wah pedals in AT5 as well as in Clavitube. Does anyone know if I can control the wah effects in AT5 and SampleTank if I buy an expression pedal and plug it into the volume input of my controller? I understand that I’d have to assign it and all that.

Thanks for any help with this.
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