Recently, I experimented with the NeuralAmpModeler software and came across an interesting bug that they attribute to an "iplug2" issue. Essentially, no matter what you set your ASIO input channel to, the software only uses input 1 and 2. On my Tascam interface, my guitar is plugged into input 9. Even though the UI shows 9 is selected, it doesn't work.
Today I fired up amplitube 5 for the first time in a year, and it has the same problem. Everything seems to be configured correctly, but it does not see a signal from input 9, even though I have selected that channel.
Just like in the NAM bug ( ... 2568357017) using amplitube 5 as a VST *DOES WORK*, so it makes me think I am seeing a variation of the same bug.
Also interestingly, I have Amplitube 4 which continues to work fine, and GTR 3.5, both of which use ASIO and correctly read input from input 9 and work fine. The problem is only with Amplitube 5. Ive uninstalled the NAM, reinstalled AMP 5, etc. No joy or solution yet.
Anyone have a similar experience with trying to get an input other than 1 or 2 to work with Amplitube 5?