by neil.cummins1 » Sun Dec 29, 2024 1:29 am
Thanks FJ for the late evening reply...
Sadly for me this is totally impractical,as I'm not internet connected in my studio and have the laptop wireless card disabled.
Other correspondents have reported the same solution being suggested,which begs several questions:-
1.Is this a standard requirement to need IKPM logged in,in order to use TONEX?If so,why do eg Amplitube 5 and Hammond Organ function perfectly with no current IKPM session?
2.What is the rationale behind this requirement,given that many of us like to have connectivity disconnected to allow anti-virus and update functionality switched off unless needed,thus saving CPU time and unnecessary background activity.
3. Is this requirement stated explicitly in the current TONEX 1.8.1 User Guide? Obviously a live connection is needed for access to ToneNET,but surely not just for the basic product to work?
Pending a reply from IK Support,I can still use TONEX within A5,albeit with reduced capability,but far from what I was expecting for the money.