Capture AmpliTube Preset into Tonex?

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Capture AmpliTube Preset into Tonex?

Postby chancewraps0c » Mon Oct 21, 2024 6:09 pm

I love the sound's I'm getting with my presets in AmpliTube and want to have that on my Tonex pedal.
I found a video about the subject from this YouTube
He goes into detail but he doesn't show any actual video of how he's running the cables so I get completely lost.

I have a Behringer UMC220HD with two inputs (both are line and instrument) and two outputs (1/4 jack)
I have an iRig HDX which can act as a second audio device with one input and one output.

Is there a way to connect them up to capture my AmpliTube preset directly into Tonex?
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Re: Capture AmpliTube Preset into Tonex?

Postby obispojoe » Sun Oct 27, 2024 10:30 pm

I think this would be a great feature:

Integrate Amplitube inside ToneX and have ToneX provide the option to capture an Amplitube preset as a no-brainer option. Make the necessary routing idiot proof (just do it automagically in software). Point ToneX to the Amplitube preset and let it do the capture. Load it to ToneX pedal and take the Amplitube preset on the road without needing a computer/laptop/iPad, etc. This would be an excellent added feature and would more fully integrate the two products.
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Re: Capture AmpliTube Preset into Tonex?

Postby Peter_IK » Mon Oct 28, 2024 4:18 pm

You can't capture time-based, modulation, and other types of sounds and effects that are an integral part to many (if not most) AmpliTube presets. TONEX and AmpliTube are separate technologies that can be integrated in software like they are but that will not translate 1:1 to the pedal.
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Re: Capture AmpliTube Preset into Tonex?

Postby obispojoe » Mon Oct 28, 2024 5:18 pm

Yes, agreed.

But wouldn't it be possible to capture Amplitube chains that had only an amp and cab and maybe a non-time based effect like a distortion pedal in front of the cab?

I haven't tried to do this, but is seems like it is theoretically possible.
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Re: Capture AmpliTube Preset into Tonex?

Postby chancewraps0c » Mon Oct 28, 2024 6:52 pm

So I managed to find one single post about it using a Mac (virtually all results for videos and posts are using windows) and this person was capturing Nural DSP onto their Tonex pedal. I followed it as best I could but when the capture is complete and I do the A/B test to compare, the captured signal is so low gain that it nearly sounds like a dry signal.
I turned off the reverb so only had the overdrive sound. The testing phase was perfect. I could see the levels on amplitube, I could hear my guitar and I could hear the clips being played, it all sounded good. I hit capture and I could hear the sounds being played through my monitors with the distorted sound. Then when it finished I selected advanced and let it do its thing.
So I've no idea why the capture ended up sounding so low gain.

Here is the link to the reddit post I found

Here are screen shots of my settings.
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