ToneX does not connect to ToneNET anymore!

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ToneX does not connect to ToneNET anymore!

Postby hozodj » Sat Oct 15, 2022 1:23 pm

ToneX worked fine for the first days, but since yesterday it does not connet to ToneNET anymore, instead I only always get the message: "Please verify that you have created a valid ToneNET account. For more information, click on the button below to open", which is not very helpful, as I'm having a valid ToneNET account.

Even if I log in at ToneNET, this does not change anything.

The ToneX section within ToneNET seems to work fine,but within the ToneX software the connection fails.

I personally suppose, that the login-server is down, but a problem like this usually is fixed within some hours in my experience.

Same issue in Amplitube, also no ToneNET connection possible.

Things like this exactly are the reason, why I rather rely on software which does not need any internet connections to work properly.

I contacted the support already yesterday, but did not get any answer up to now, which I also find disappointing, to be honest.

I also find it strange, that a software first works, as it should and suddenly does not anymore, although it has not been upgraded or modified.
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Re: ToneX does not connect to ToneNET anymore!

Postby hozodj » Sun Oct 16, 2022 8:56 am

Also crashes my DAW's meanwhile, although ToneX, when I installed it, worked well in them.
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Re: ToneX does not connect to ToneNET anymore!

Postby OttoPus » Thu Oct 20, 2022 8:01 am

hozodj wrote:ToneX worked fine for the first days, but since yesterday it does not connet to ToneNET anymore, instead I only always get the message: "Please verify that you have created a valid ToneNET account. For more information, click on the button below to open", which is not very helpful, as I'm having a valid ToneNET account.

Even if I log in at ToneNET, this does not change anything.

The ToneX section within ToneNET seems to work fine,but within the ToneX software the connection fails.

I personally suppose, that the login-server is down, but a problem like this usually is fixed within some hours in my experience.

Same issue in Amplitube, also no ToneNET connection possible.

Things like this exactly are the reason, why I rather rely on software which does not need any internet connections to work properly.

I contacted the support already yesterday, but did not get any answer up to now, which I also find disappointing, to be honest.

I also find it strange, that a software first works, as it should and suddenly does not anymore, although it has not been upgraded or modified.

I had the same issue last week, I had to:
1) close ToneX and Amplitube (standalone or VST)
2) open IK Product manager and login
3) close IK Product manager and re-open Amplitube

this solved the issue in my case
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Re: ToneX does not connect to ToneNET anymore!

Postby hozodj » Thu Oct 20, 2022 8:49 am

I had the same issue last week, I had to:
1) close ToneX and Amplitube (standalone or VST)
2) open IK Product manager and login
3) close IK Product manager and re-open Amplitube

this solved the issue in my case

This really seems to work for Amplitube and ToneX, although this - in my opinion - should not be the way, it should work, much less as it before did not need this additional login, but at least it's more important for me, that it works again, in which way ever.

I've already contacted the support, concerning this issue, but did not get any answer up to now.

Therefore thank you very much for your advice!
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Re: ToneX does not connect to ToneNET anymore!

Postby NomadCraig1 » Thu Oct 27, 2022 8:55 pm

I have the same issue but now opening IK Multimedia Product Manager is showing "Connection Error" "Please check your Internet connection"

My internet is working fine.

Any suggestions?
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Re: ToneX does not connect to ToneNET anymore!

Postby hozodj » Thu Oct 27, 2022 9:07 pm

Any suggestions?

Unfortunately not!

On my system the IK Product Manager connection works and also enables ToneX to connect.

Is annoying but at least works on my system.

IK Multimedia recommended the upgrade to me, (1.0.2.), which did not solve my problem, so they told me, that they maybe/most probably/eventually will solve this issue in the next upgrade. Which does not let me hope for a real solution of this problem.

To be honest, for such an expensive software I had expected a more professional and faster reacting support, to be honest.

I'm glad that it works in some way, but it is not the way it should work in my opinion.
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Re: ToneX does not connect to ToneNET anymore!

Postby Peter_IK » Thu Oct 27, 2022 9:23 pm

Things like this exactly are the reason, why I rather rely on software which does not need any internet connections to work properly.

ToneNET is only the sharing platform for user AmpliTube 5 presets and TONEX Tone Models which would of course require an internet connection. Other than that you only need a connection to authorize our software.

I'm sorry to hear you aren't pleased with the support from our team, I'll let our Support Manager know.
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Re: ToneX does not connect to ToneNET anymore!

Postby hozodj » Fri Oct 28, 2022 5:30 am

ToneNET is only the sharing platform for user AmpliTube 5 presets and TONEX Tone Models which would of course require an internet connection. Other than that you only need a connection to authorize our software.

This is the theory and how it - most probably - should work. It also worked this way for the first days after installing, and then suddenly it did not anymore. So I was glad to get the tip, to log into IK Product Manager, which at least enabled ToneX and Amplitube to connect with ToneNET correctly again.

The support told me the same, that I do not need an IK Product manager login for connecting ToneX or Amplitube with ToneNet, but in reality it only works with this login on my system. Whyever. As soon as I logout, I get an 103 error and both programs ask me to create a valid ToneNET acoount, although I have one, but do not give me any informations, how to solve this issue.

The strange thing for me is, that it worked flawlessly for some days and then suddenly not anymore, although I had nothing at all changed on my system.
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Re: ToneX does not connect to ToneNET anymore!

Postby albert_fn » Fri Aug 18, 2023 5:06 pm

I just bought the ToneX pedal and downloaded the software, I want yo download usted rigs etc etc but Tonex is Offline and with the “pelease verify that you created an account” yes I have my account etc… amplitube 5 is online but ToneX won’t go online.
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Re: ToneX does not connect to ToneNET anymore!

Postby glasspipe » Mon Aug 28, 2023 6:38 pm

Same problem I'm experiencing now. I don't know why I can't connect to Support can't solve my issue. I tried doing a clean install and still the problem persists. Does anyone have a solution?? I miss my favorite captures and can't go back to my old tones.
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Re: ToneX does not connect to ToneNET anymore!

Postby joaodores » Tue Aug 29, 2023 3:42 pm

You have to click on the ToneNet script (it's actually a button) to connect. Problem solved.
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Re: ToneX does not connect to ToneNET anymore!

Postby glasspipe » Tue Aug 29, 2023 6:43 pm

The button on the upper right? If yes, that's how I know that i cannot connect to whenever I click it it says. "unable to connect.."
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Re: ToneX does not connect to ToneNET anymore!

Postby Peter_IK » Mon Sep 18, 2023 4:00 pm

IK Support answers tickets during business hours and will continue to assist you if you reply stating that their suggestions aren't working.

Please note that a TONEX update was released very recently which addresses improvements to ToneNET connections so please make sure you have the latest version of TONEX installed.
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Re: ToneX does not connect to ToneNET anymore!

Postby glasspipe » Wed Oct 11, 2023 3:57 pm

Support has stopped replying which I find very unprofessional btw. I have no other place to go to get help. My tonex, amplitube and ik product manager are all updated but still unable to connect to
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Re: ToneX does not connect to ToneNET anymore!

Postby Peter_IK » Wed Oct 11, 2023 4:00 pm

glasspipe wrote:Support has stopped replying which I find very unprofessional btw. I have no other place to go to get help. My tonex, amplitube and ik product manager are all updated but still unable to connect to

Please reply to your ticket via email requesting an update/status and if you would like your ticket escalated please provide your ticket number.
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