AXE I/O Solo AmpliTube 5 Output Sharing?

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AXE I/O Solo AmpliTube 5 Output Sharing?

Postby Muybonito523 » Thu Feb 25, 2021 8:58 pm

Okay, maybe someone can help me out here I don't have the detail on the difference between the ASIO4ALL driver compared to the AXE I/O drivers and which is better.

I recently moved to the AXE I/O to upgrade from my old AudioBox USB interface (like 13 years old). One thing I enjoyed about that audio interface was that the computer output (Youtube and what not) would play through the output as well so I could play backing tracks from youtube or other sources while I play my guitar through Amplitube 5 standalone at the same time.

AXE I/O doesn't seem to like this, the computer audio output will go through the AXE I/O up until I start Amplitube 5, as soon as I start AmpliTube 5 the only input it starts accepting is from the inputs on the device (Guitar and Mice). The workaround I've found in other posts is to use ASIO4ALL with a VB Cable and listen to the VB cable on Track 2. I'm just a little perturbed by doing this because it isn't the driver that is supposed to be used with this system. Are there disadvantages to using ASIO4ALL rather than the normal drivers for the AXE I/O solo? Just curious. :?:

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Re: AXE I/O Solo AmpliTube 5 Output Sharing?

Postby Csnemes74 » Fri May 14, 2021 9:26 pm

You can play Amplitube and windows audio together, just need to set it up properly.
In Windows at the sound settings find the LineOut 1/2 playback device and at the advanced tab remove the exclusive mode and set the bit and sample rate to the same settings you use in Amplitube (project settings). This solution also works for DAWs (at least for Ableton Live).
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