JxCALLExJ wrote:I would love some updated vox stuff.
While I use the Brian May Vox-based amps for various things (I like them for clean-is tones, to accompany more driven Brit-style amps of other makes), I would agree that some updated Vox models would be a useful addition. It might perhaps be practical to introduce them through a '60s-oriented "British Invasion" (i.e., "Beatle-esque) collection (since IKM seems to like putting AmpliTube stuff out in collections). That might be popular.
JxCALLExJ wrote:And also, why isn't the chorus 1 a stereo pedal? It would be awesome if you could make an option to make it wet-dry or mono, like the original ce-1. A ce-2 would be really nice too.
Hear! Hear! Though I think the CE-2 lacked the stereo output, so I think a model based on a CE-1 with the stereo output restored and/or a CE-3 or even a CE-5 would also be very welcome. I mean, a classic approach is running output from a stereo chorus pedal to different amps/cabs on either side of the stage, so .....
Of course, Gilmour was a CE-2 user (at times), which leads us to ....
JxCALLExJ wrote:I think a gilmour collection needs to happen sometime soon. he used so much special gear that would be epic to have. An updated Hiwatt, fane crescendo speakers (super unique sound) the Binson Echorec, a ramshead big muff, yamaha ra200 rotating speakers, cornish overdrives and much more. A LOT of people would buy that, including myself, and since you now have many new customers due to the group buy, I think it would be a great investment to develop.
While I am not myself a raging Gilmour fan, I don't think there is
any doubt that a Gilmour-esque collection would be
very popular. (And I'm not a raging Hendrix, Brian May, Dimebag, or Satriani fan either, but there are loads of awesome toys in those collections that I use all the time!) For instance, I think HiWatts and Fanes are often under-appreciated outside of Gilmour fandom, but they are doorways to interesting variants on classic "Brit" overdrive tones. (Smash the HiAmp with the Treble Booster, and there are great classic rock tones to be had.) The existing Big Pig (based on an indeterminate Big Muff) is, IMO, well overdue for an update; it's also something that would benefit from the ability to switch between models of different circuits to emulate different versions of the Muff (of which there are
many). And I really think that an Italian company just
ought to have a Binson Echorec model