n2mpujack wrote:For Gilmour the amp(s) is easy - Hiwatt DR103. It's his effects that get complicated but start with a Binson Echorec, Digitech Whammy and go from there.
I agree: The Hiwatt amp is pretty constant for Gilmour, but the pedals etc. vary a
lot over the years. I'd say a Big Muff into the HiWatt is a significant (and perhaps constant?) component of the tone; the Big Muff sometimes has other drive pedals before or after in his rig, I think. AmpliTube "based on Big Muff" is the Big Pig stomp model, though it's been around a lo
ooong time, and I feel like it could benefit from an upgrade. There are numerous, often noticely different, variants of the Big Muff, and it would be nice to have some of those -- perhaps as a single unit that could switch between some of the most common/famous variants.
It would be awesome if AmpliTube had an Echorec model -- IKM are Italian, the Echorec was Italian

-- but, until then, I feel like one can get away with one of the other delay options. (I like the tape delays, even though the Binson's sound was a bit different.)
n2mpujack wrote:Beatles weren't just Vox amps - they used a bunch of different Fender amps as well. Minimal effects as I recall.
Though lots of studio cleverness; sometimes there were odd (by modern standards) mic'ing techniques, but also lots of things went "DI", straight into the desk (especially bass). I think the major component one would need here is possibly a "based on Geoff Emerick" plugin.
Getting back to the original post, I'd love to see an "Iommi bundle" (maybe Brian May can talk him into it!

), though despite the often mystical reverence held for his tone, I think his rigs have usually been simpler than those of the other players mentioned. The early rigs are basically 100w Laneys and matching cabs (there's quibbling over which speakers) boosted with a modded Rangemaster. Laney has produced modern units that try to reproduce this, and Iommi has used those units live -- so that's likely to be close! The '90s/'00s Iommi tones were basically his signature modern Laneys (one model of which was very Powerball-ish) and matching cabs. And then there's that cool Tychobrahe Parapedal wah; that would be awesome. But ... that's about it! (OK, sure he used other things -- modded Marshalls in the early '80s; then maybe Mesas? Dunno. But it's the '70s tones that people lust after, though I think the "millenial" Iommi tones are also cool.) And, OK, one can approximate these tones in current AmpliTube with the JH Gold and the Brian May treble booster (and I think the Satch Green cab works well here, too), or a Powerball for modern tones, but ... a bunch of Laney models and another treble booster model would be cool, anyway.