carlaz wrote:Do I hear any love for the MiniPlex 20 (based on Friedman Pink Taco PT-20) amongst the new AT5 gear? I'm a big fan of "trad/vintage" British-style amps, and this thing will get that vibe as well as going screaming into the "modded/hot-rodded Plexi" thing, as well. I'm actually switching the gain structure (via that mysterious S-switch) back a notch from full-on and then smashing it with the Treble Booster from the Brian May collection to get some glorious Sabbathesque sounds through the Satch Green cab. Also, now that the EQ 81 is a bit fixed up in 5.0.1, you can use the hi-/low-pass filters in it -- but even just having it in the master portion of the chain and set completely flat seems to add some subtle saturation (as it should, really).
In short: very much digging AT5 now that I'm getting a bit more chance to play with it.
The Friedman PT20 is my favorite from the new amp line. I´m using it also with the Satch cabinet (in my opinion the best cabinet in Amplitube) and I´m boosting it with the Satch OD-1 pedal. With this setup I´m able to achieve lots of Classic Rock/Hardrock sounds

The Diezel VH4 is great for all kind of Metal playing

I´m glad that IK kept the old amps in Amplitube 5 especially the Marshall models. The "Vintage Metal Lead" is still one of my favorites.
Amplitube 5 sounds great !!! Please release more Friedman models