Presenting AmpliTube 5

AmpliTube TONEX, AmpliTube 5, AmpliTube Custom Shop, AmpliTube Joe Satriani, AmpliTube Brian May, MESA/Boogie®,Orange™, Fender™, Hendrix™, Metal, AmpliTube SVX, and more for Mac/PC

Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby Black-Viper75 » Fri Oct 30, 2020 7:53 pm

Peter_IK wrote:
Black-Viper75 wrote:I've got Amplitube 4 Deluxe and I've purchased a lot of the collections, can I upgraded to the SE version and still have all my A4 gear transferred over?

Yes. Your AmpliTube 4 gear will work in AmplITube 5 SE and AmpliTube 5 SE has the full functionality/features of AmpliTube 5 so you should be very happy there!

Peter, thank you again for your quick reply and as always being helpful. I've only been using A4 for almost a year and a half now, but it has become an essential part of my hobby home recordings. I'm really excited for the next chapter Amplitube. All the best to you and the IK Multimedia team.
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby Peter_IK » Fri Oct 30, 2020 7:56 pm

jstyork wrote:Hi Peter,

Could you comment on wether or not unowned gear will show up in the various browsers. The drag and dropping of amps, cabs, and mics looks fantastic. I'm preying they won't be filled with greyed out pieces of gear I don't own...


I can ask the devs/product managers but we don't have the final version yet so I don't have that information at this time.
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby Peter_IK » Fri Oct 30, 2020 7:59 pm

Black-Viper75 wrote:
Peter_IK wrote:
Black-Viper75 wrote:I've got Amplitube 4 Deluxe and I've purchased a lot of the collections, can I upgraded to the SE version and still have all my A4 gear transferred over?

Yes. Your AmpliTube 4 gear will work in AmplITube 5 SE and AmpliTube 5 SE has the full functionality/features of AmpliTube 5 so you should be very happy there!

Peter, thank you again for your quick reply and as always being helpful. I've only been using A4 for almost a year and a half now, but it has become an essential part of my hobby home recordings. I'm really excited for the next chapter Amplitube. All the best to you and the IK Multimedia team.

You're welcome! Thank you so much for the kind words. However there are not enough kind words in the world to butter me up enough to admit how long I've been using AmpliTube :D

I do love AmpliTube 4 so much, and now with AXE I/O (and soon Z-TONE DI and Buffer Booster in my home studio since I'm reworking it since I moved a few months ago and have three audio interfaces daisy chained already) the tones are just crazy good. Like a good friend in the industry (who was in the audio engineering program I was in during college) said: "Don't fear the amp sim". Basically everybody uses them to some extent, and he was doing label work so best of the best have been known to use amp sims. Heck, even AC/DC had some tracks with AmpliTube 2 when that was the current version. RIP Malcolm, he was a great part of that band and we were honored that he used AmplITube.
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Re: Official Preset Exchange?

Postby craigik » Fri Oct 30, 2020 10:27 pm

Is there any word on an official (embedded) preset exchange with v5?
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby cu1723 » Fri Oct 30, 2020 11:59 pm


at first: congratulations to ikMultimedia for the new Amplitube!

Sounds (I mean the specs :-) ) very nice.

Nevertheless, I have still problems to know which version from A5 should (must) I buy.

I have:
Amplitube 4 Max + all Extensions => ALL Gears from the Shop.

I want:
Amplitube 5 Max

Is this correct:
I will buy AmpliTube SE and I'll get Amplitube 5 Max (because of all the gear already owned)?

So there will be no differents between somebody who has already all gear (from Amplitube 4) and will buy Amplitube SE
and someone who buys Amplitube 5 Max?

Thank you very much!

PS: I hope Amplitube will work better as standalone version as Amplitube 4 did.
It was not possible to to control the volume via Midi correctly, accross serveral Presets

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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby Peter_IK » Sat Oct 31, 2020 12:07 am

cusp23 wrote:Hi,

at first: congratulations to ikMultimedia for the new Amplitube!

Sounds (I mean the specs :-) ) very nice.

Nevertheless, I have still problems to know which version from A5 should (must) I buy.

I have:
Amplitube 4 Max + all Extensions => ALL Gears from the Shop.

I want:
Amplitube 5 Max

Is this correct:
I will buy AmpliTube SE and I'll get Amplitube 5 Max (because of all the gear already owned)?

So there will be no differents between somebody who has already all gear (from Amplitube 4) and will buy Amplitube SE
and someone who buys Amplitube 5 Max?

Thank you very much!

PS: I hope Amplitube will work better as standalone version as Amplitube 4 did.
It was not possible to to control the volume via Midi correctly, accross serveral Presets


Since you have all of the existing gear, if you want to use that but with all the benefits of AmpliTube 5 you could get the AmpliTube 5 SE upgrade/crossgrade.

Note there will be a difference between you and AmpliTube 5 MAX users because SE does not have the new amps like the New York or MiniPlex etc. For those you'd want to check out AmpliTube5 instead. There's a comparison chart on the AmpliTube 5 page.
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby blueyepaul » Sat Oct 31, 2020 12:46 am

Hi Peter,
In reference to Neil's comments to which I'm in the same boat, i basically have all the other collections on offer except one or two. Are there provisions to purchase the cross/grade Amplitube 5Max using jam points together which a payment as i have over 200 hundred.

neil.cummins1 wrote:
Peter, does your reply mean definitively that anyone with existing A4 Max plus any added collections can simply purchase a basic version of A5 Max to enjoy the same and uninterrupted level of functionality as offered in A4 Max plus all the new functionality in A5 Max as was the intended aim of the question?

Or do we still need to purchase A5 Max?

Neil Cummins
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby Peter_IK » Sat Oct 31, 2020 1:09 am

blueyepaul wrote:Hi Peter,
In reference to Neil's comments to which I'm in the same boat, i basically have all the other collections on offer except one or two. Are there provisions to purchase the cross/grade Amplitube 5Max using jam points together which a payment as i have over 200 hundred.

neil.cummins1 wrote:
Peter, does your reply mean definitively that anyone with existing A4 Max plus any added collections can simply purchase a basic version of A5 Max to enjoy the same and uninterrupted level of functionality as offered in A4 Max plus all the new functionality in A5 Max as was the intended aim of the question?

Or do we still need to purchase A5 Max?

Neil Cummins

Since your gear you have will work in AmpliTube 5 you'd only need AmpliTube 5 or AmpliTube 5 SE to use that gear in AmpliTube 5 with all the great new features.

If you want the new models like the New York, MiniPlex, etc you'd want to go with AmpliTube 5 as they are not in AmpliTube 5 SE.
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby Talahamut » Sat Oct 31, 2020 2:05 am

sotsogm wrote:Any hesitation I had about pre-ordering was abated by realizing I could use my bank of JamPoints on top of the preorder discount.

I'm cautiously excited. It looks like you guys have responded to a whole load of users' wish list items with this release. Thank you.

Same here... I was super-excited to see the new IR capabilities coming, but wasn't sure which version was most worth upgrading to. My bank of JamPoints made that decision easier!
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby shmihe » Sat Oct 31, 2020 2:35 am

Peter_IK wrote:
blueyepaul wrote:Hi Peter,
In reference to Neil's comments to which I'm in the same boat, i basically have all the other collections on offer except one or two. Are there provisions to purchase the cross/grade Amplitube 5Max using jam points together which a payment as i have over 200 hundred.

neil.cummins1 wrote:
Peter, does your reply mean definitively that anyone with existing A4 Max plus any added collections can simply purchase a basic version of A5 Max to enjoy the same and uninterrupted level of functionality as offered in A4 Max plus all the new functionality in A5 Max as was the intended aim of the question?

Or do we still need to purchase A5 Max?

Neil Cummins

Since your gear you have will work in AmpliTube 5 you'd only need AmpliTube 5 or AmpliTube 5 SE to use that gear in AmpliTube 5 with all the great new features.

If you want the new models like the New York, MiniPlex, etc you'd want to go with AmpliTube 5 as they are not in AmpliTube 5 SE.

So.... To further clarify, If I own AmpliTube 4 - FULLY maxed out with ALL available options for that, and I upgrade to just straight Amplitube 5 ($149.99), I would then have every single current piece/option of AmpliTube 5? Or not?
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby blueyepaul » Sat Oct 31, 2020 2:43 am

Thanks for the prompted reply Peter,
It's disappointing that i can only use 90 jam points maximum out of my total 210 jam point towards ordering Ampilude5 Max.
The system will not allow me to go above that number, so basically i have to pay more and leave my unused jam points as they are - sitting there doing nothing.
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby cu1723 » Sat Oct 31, 2020 3:03 am

Thank you.

Note there will be a difference between you and AmpliTube 5 MAX users because SE does not have the new amps like the New York or MiniPlex etc. For those you'd want to check out AmpliTube5 instead.

So I will buy AmpliTube 5. And that would be the same as Amplibube Max for me (because of the gear I already owned)

Thank you very much!
Thank you for reading this!
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby garfy » Sat Oct 31, 2020 10:18 am

shmihe wrote:So.... To further clarify, If I own AmpliTube 4 - FULLY maxed out with ALL available options for that, and I upgrade to just straight Amplitube 5 ($149.99), I would then have every single current piece/option of AmpliTube 5? Or not?

Yes, if you currently own AT4 and all gear packs/pieces currently available, you only need to up/crossgrade to AT5.
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby arcadesepp » Sat Oct 31, 2020 12:56 pm


I have A4 Max without any other equipment. What equipment am I missing if I only update to A5 instead of A5 Max.

Thanks Norbert
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby DarkStar » Sat Oct 31, 2020 1:19 pm

Halfway down this page are links to PDFS listing the gear in each At5 Edition and a comparison PDF too.

You will miss out on the 7 Collections released after AT4 MAX
  • Fender® Collection 2
  • AmpliTube SVX 2
  • AmpliTube Brian May
  • Dimebag Darrell CFH Collection
  • AmpliTube Joe Satriani
  • Fulltone® Collection
  • AmpliTube Leslie®
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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