Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

AmpliTube TONEX, AmpliTube 5, AmpliTube Custom Shop, AmpliTube Joe Satriani, AmpliTube Brian May, MESA/Boogie®,Orange™, Fender™, Hendrix™, Metal, AmpliTube SVX, and more for Mac/PC

Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby whhf54 » Wed Mar 06, 2019 6:06 am

:idea: Saving 12" custom cabinet speaker configurations for use in other presets. I'm having fun swapping 12" spkrs from different manufacturers and would love to be able to save these speaker cabinets to load into various presets without have to redo them every time. (I have 31 - 12" speakers) I've been saving presets with my custom cabinets and then changing the amps, pedals, and rack effects and re-saving as. It would be so much easier to be able to load my custom speaker cabinets as user cabinets.

ALSO: :idea: How about being able to swap the 10" speakers in their cabinets?

WiLLi & the MusicMachine
MY Rig: :D AT4, AT3 incls Metal, Ampeg SVX & SVX2, Fender 1, Jimi Anniversary, Slash, Orange, Leslie, Fulton, & $500.00 in gear from Custom Shop (Totaling 302 pieces of gear)
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby carlaz » Wed Mar 06, 2019 8:34 pm

- Improve the cascading menu behavior - My god it is SO frustrating to keep re-selecting options when the menu collapses b/c I didn't keep my mouse pointer precisely aligned over the selection when I move it over to click the next item. Makes my blood boil and sucks too much joy out of playing electric guitar. Please -for the love of all this is holy - fix this.

Agreed! The preset menus are unnecessarily awkward. I'm always a bit scared when I start carefully poking my way down towards the end of a lengthy list in the UI that I'll accidentally collapse the list and have to start over. I presume the current behavior was made for once-upon-a-time smaller screens, to somehow keep the list of presets from dropping down off the edge of the plugin or screen itself, but I think there are better ways this could be done, these days.
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby carlaz » Wed Mar 06, 2019 8:48 pm

LordObsidious wrote:- Update some of your amps. The Metal V especially needs love, it's lack luster compared to basically every other 5150 sim and having a good 5150 sim is just as important as having a good marshall sim (of which you have many)

I agree that an updated "based on Peavey 5150/6506" amp head would be welcome. That amp is a studio workhorse for hard rock/metal.

However, I also don't think we can have too many Marshalls! :mrgreen: The old Vintage Metal Lead would be well worth updating, and although you could create a basically "stock" Marshall "plexi" by swapping around the power-amp sections in the AT2/Hendrix-era amp models, a shiny new EL34-based 1959 "plexi" model would not be unwelcome. I mean, the JH Gold is great (IMO), but I'd like a "standard" plexi as well!

LordObsidious wrote:- Automated input trim. A lot of modern sims do this now and it's helpful with people who swap guitars with different output pickups a lot. I use a trim plugin to compensate, but auto trim would be better.

And, when using Amplitube as a plugin in a DAW, it would be useful toL
have some "real" dBFS numbers" attached to the input and output meters.
indicators that could distinguish "hold" (over a few seconds) and "peak".

LordObsidious wrote:- Make an official in-depth tutorial video. The "here watch ola's video" thing, not effective.

Agreed, though I think there should be a fairly extensive -- but graduated -- series of short videos about how to do different things with various features.

LordObsidious wrote:- Update the microphones. Some of them, like the 57, seem a bit off in their frequency response.

Good point. The mics deserve a refresh as much as the other gear models!
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby carlaz » Wed Mar 06, 2019 8:50 pm wrote:1) adjustable full screen GUI

Yes! wrote:5) more boutique gear - we love to play new brands!

Though there are "classic" gear models that would be very welcome as well! (E.g. some sorts of treble booster[s], etc.)

Also, I think that IKM could very easily introduce some more of its own "custom, in-house" gear models, perhaps especially in the pedals department. Why not some "virtual" pedals that are as good as (or better than?) many physical pedals? The market is swarming with every kind of boutique pedal; but while it's cool that Amplitube models many classic physical pedals (for all that many could do with updates!), and I don't want to discourage that, they could also do their own "boutique" pedal (or rack) models. Like, I always used to use the "Compressor" stomp model, credited to IKM, rather than the "based on MXR Dynacomp" pedal model because I though the "Compressor" stomp was better. (Now in AT4, instead of either compressor pedal model, I admit that I put the Tube Compressor rack model in my pedal boards when I want a compressor ahead of the amp! 'Cause: why not? :mrgreen: )
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby frthib_old_account » Mon Mar 25, 2019 1:20 pm

I would really like a way to see only gear the gear I own in the amplitube UI.

I'm not in love with the wood floor in the UI. A simple black background would do the job.

The digital reverb really needs an update (room, hall, plate, gate setting). Way too strong, I only use the first 5% of the mix. Maybe offer a switchable control so the knob only affect the first 10% of the mix settings?

Some generic pedals graphics are soso. Maybe make them less cartoony. On better : is skeuomorphism mandatory? Think outside the box.

The overdrive pedals could be updated. Not enough choice. There is more than one Tube screamer. Some pedals offered are really old and the price is a bit weird. 15$ for a sd-1 while it's 5$ for a tube screamer?

Some ampsim are too old and drag down the quality of the general product. I would move them in a "amplitube legacy" whole new VST

An "A/B" switch state button would be beneficial when testing settings

More mic choice and positions (unidyne 545, e906, off axis, back of cab).

A button or a way to see the distance (X and Y) value to put the mics at the same distance would be great. As of right now it's guessing.

The cap-edge is more significant than the rest of the speaker. A way to magnify the mic positing in that position would be a great tool.

Was the way the mics where captured / simulated the best one? I don't know but now everybody can compare an impulse of an on-axis sm57 with the internal sm57 at the same positions. Was the impulses captured with a SS poweramp or a tube amp? Are all the cabs the same quality? Maybe put some in "amplitube legacy". Less is more.

An onboard impulse loader who can be used with the awesome room simulator is a given in any modern ampsim. Some people capture impulses of specific gear and mic combination who cannot be reproduced in amplitube. Why exclude those people. There is workaround but it's clunky (load 2 amplitube with the non-amplitube IR loader in the middle.)
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby frthib_old_account » Mon Mar 25, 2019 2:11 pm

one or two more, tube swapping and bias settings. Why not component swapping to a point ? A blues junior with kt-88 and a 200 watt british OT would be unique and probably way fun to toy with

Or just separate the preamps and the power amp. Make them individual. I'm not fond of having the JMP-1 merged with a generIc SS amp. I could use the mark IV poweramp if the components where modular. It could be a new path in the numbers on the top left.
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby C_berg1980 » Tue Mar 26, 2019 10:18 am

1) Preset Exchange

2) Tone Matching/Guitar Matching

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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby gdavis1767 » Thu Mar 28, 2019 2:25 am

For live players mainly, please improve the MIDI implementation in stand alone.

There is real world user friendly stuff that I feel like is simply overlooked.

That box of routing, with the 8 options... why in the world can we not have MIDI control of what we want there? Would allow us to use two amps as we can with real gear if we want to. I spent decades gigging with two amps in different configurations. A/B/Y, A/B, A/B/C, Wet/Dry, stuff like that. I suppose I could bring two computers and two interfaces... or maybe IK could enable me to select via a MIDI CC or computer key combo. MIDI is absolutely preferable.

Can we switch views via a MIDI control, or even a keyboard shortcut? I want to see Amp A, Amp B, or Stomp A, B, or a large Tuner window! That little tuner box at the bottom is hard to see from more than a few feet away.

I want to see my knobs turn (not necessarily turn, but see their position). I need this, every player who uses this live would like this, cannot think of a reason it is not there for us.

Give back the option of more than one MIDI controller. I have one controller that has buttons and knobs/faders that I assign to the amp knobs, the stomps and inserts and rack device knobs that I deem necessary to assign, and buttons that toggle stomps etc on/off, that is at real amp knob height and within arm's reach... PLUS a foot button controller on the floor for the stomps, tuning, etc. The normal stuff players use those for.

These are major shortcomings in the user friendly department, IMO, and while I acknowledge that I have zero code writing chops or understanding, seem to me to me relatively simple things to implement.



Edit: PS I forgot.... ALL gain stages should be MIDI controllable. I know we only have 128 to work with but we can choose. If I have an option to control every parameter in the GUI with MIDI, I can work out which ones are most important to me.
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby DDemase1174 » Fri Mar 29, 2019 2:20 pm

* Full official Marshall, Peavey, Vox, Electro/Harmonix, Dunlop/MXR and Roland/Boss collections in the tradition of your Fender, Mesa/Boogie and Ampeg collections.

* Upgrade the amp and stompbox models featured in Amplitube Free

* An official "Beatles" collection covering the amps, mics, stompboxes, outboard effects, etc. they used live/studio (in the vein of the Jimi Hendrix pack)

* Official Eddie Van Halen, Joe Satriani, David Gilmour, Jimmy Page and/or Stevie Ray Vaughan collections
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby FrThib » Mon Apr 01, 2019 4:25 pm

The more I think of it, the more I would be content of -only- a dual IR loader. And I would pay for that one. No need to completely overhaul AT4..

The thing could even be considered a rackmount gear (in the loop or at the end). I would make sense since there is more and more hardware IR loader available now. It would allow some to truly replicate his stage gear if a hardware IR loader is a part of the equation, be in into the loop or post power amp.
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby carlaz » Tue Apr 02, 2019 2:32 pm

frthib wrote:one or two more, tube swapping and bias settings. Why not component swapping to a point ? A blues junior with kt-88 and a 200 watt british OT would be unique and probably way fun to toy with
Or just separate the preamps and the power amp. Make them individual. I'm not fond of having the JMP-1 merged with a generIc SS amp. I could use the mark IV poweramp if the components where modular. It could be a new path in the numbers on the top left.

This is kind of the way things were (and, I guess, still are!) with the AT2-era amp models. Subsequently, AT reverted to presenting amps head etc. as "indivisible units", though I quite liked the more modular approach. I feel like this came back a little with the ability to swap (at least 12" guitar cab) speakers in AT4. But, also, the fact that in AT4 we can insert effects units between the pre- and power amp sections of otherwise "indivisible" amp head models ... behavior which at least suggests that the pre- and power amp sections of existing models could be "re-separated" in future versions of AT. I should not mind it if that happens.

I realize that one objective of amp sims is to accurately model physical gear, and I dig that. Though amp sims also, in theory, make possible to do things easily in the virtual realm that would be at least very difficult to achieve with physical gear -- like swapping pre- and power amps sections around willy-nilly :mrgreen: so I shouldn't be sad if this behavior was brought back. 8-)
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby LocoGhoul » Tue Apr 02, 2019 2:33 pm

- New Fender amps series: 1964 Showman Reverb 15" ("Single Showman"), 1966 Dual Showman, Vibrolux, Concert, VibroChamp, Tremolux, VibroVerb (not custom), Hot Rod...

- 1958 Magnatone Custom 280 amp (2 channels; 2x12" Jenser P12P speakers).

- Upgrade the Vox AC30.

- Dallas Rangemaster treble booster -or "clone"- (as others have requested in the forum).

- More fuzzes: Univox Super-Fuzz; ToneBender; Zvex Fuzz Factory ("clones" or officials), plus upgrading the existing ones.
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby BobF3 » Tue Apr 02, 2019 5:27 pm

MIDI Control

In a perfect world, every control presented in the AT UI would be able to be learned directly via MIDI learn; especially the Output Level control.

It would be really nice if AT could learn controls for an amp that would follow the amp regardless of which preset it is part of. This would be especially nice in the case of existing presets. Let's say I already have 17 presets based on Soldano 100. Would be great to learn the controls for the amp and have them automatically apply to all of the presets.
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby dmitch » Sat Apr 20, 2019 2:40 am

Here's my wish list:

1. A good reverb or three. The Fender '63 is better than the free one, but it's not very versatile. AT really needs a reverb with some options - plate/room/hall/arena, delay, diffusion, etc. Like a real reverb.
2. I might be missing something but the Custom Shop is pretty hard to navigate. Want to see Fender cabs? Well, if you go to Brand > Fender, you have to go through a page of stomp boxes, then two pages of amp heads, before you get to cabs. Searching for "Fender Cab" or "Fender Speaker" (without the quotes) is even worse, that adds in the rack effects before the speakers. Searching for "Fender Speaker" or "Fender Cab" (with the quotes) shows nothing.
3. Also on the Custom Shop: there is no way to view the stuff I've actually bought (as opposed to the 3 pages of stomp boxes and so forth that came with the base AT). Sure wish I could peruse the amps I've bought, for example. No way to do that.

Thanks for the opportunity for a wish list. This all pales next to the most important thing, of course, which is that this software sounds fantastic.
AmpliTube 5.7.0 MAX; 2023 Mac Mini M2 Pro, 16 GB RAM, macOS 14.1; Logic Pro 10.7.9; Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 3rd Gen.
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby texasfury » Thu Apr 25, 2019 8:36 pm

1) Mics - RCA 77DX and an AEA R44

2) Remaster/recode old amp models to AT4 standards.

3) Allow some way to edit model names to a different alias, the way Reaper allows for changing VST names. Maybe via a text.ini file. If the .ini file does not exist, AT defaults to hard coded model names.
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