When you have a lot of files on your machine the operating system automatically moves some folders from being 'on your machine & on iCloud' to being 'on iCloud only'. When it does that it puts a cloud icon next to those folders.
So you don't need to move that folder, you just need it not to have a cloud icon next to it, because AT5 doesn't like that - I assume because it can't get its files quickly enough if it has to wait for the cloud.
The important folder should be in the "Documents" folder.
I am running macos Sonoma 14.6.1 (23G93), so I hope the following is relevant for other versions.
A few ways to get to the Documents folder then, in each case first open Finder, then do one of these 3 options:
Command + Shift + O
From the Finder top menu -> select "Go" then "Documents"
Finder from the Finder top menu -> then select "Settings" then "Sidebar" from the top menu items there and tick "Documents", about halfway down under iCloud. Also, you need to make sure Sidebar is visible, so Finder->View->Show Sidebar.
Hopefully that gets you to the Documents folder. Within that you should see the folder "IK Multimedia". I would then right-click (or two-finger press on trackpad) and select "Download Now". The greyed-out cloud icon with a down arrow should then turn into a pie chart icon and you need to wait a bit until that goes from empty to filled. If you are not seeing "Download now" in the dropdown then it's already downloaded.
If you have a lot of IK Multimedia products, then you could just do the steps above but just on the Amplitube 5 folder to save time or establish it works.
That's most likely the issue I think, the application package is less likely to be put on iCloud by the OS. But if the above doesn't work, then in addition to the steps above:
Open the Applications folder by opening Finder then: Shift + Command + A
On AmpliTube 5.app, Right-click (or two-finger press on trackpad) "Show package contents". If there is a cloud icon against the package folder (I bet there won't be though) then "Download Now" on that too.
Hopefully that gets it working for you. Shout otherwise. But just to emphasise, I'm just a user, not an IK or Apple bod