Hi, I'm very new and unfamiliar with Amplitube. I'm little lost to choose what I would be needing, especially in 49.99 or below value.
I bought one 149.99 product (Cinekinetik bundle), which I should have thought well and instead bought T-RackS 5 so I could get the contents of Cinekinetik bundle from the 49.99 or below free products, as I also bought one 49.99 product (Mic Room).
As I already have ST4 MAx, MODO Drum and Bass, Syntronik Deluxe, Philharmonik 2 and as ST4 Max covered most of the ST instruments too and already have all the Xpansion tanks , I'm left with ST4 instruments that are below 49.99 which are only 8 products. Plus I can choose the remaining 3 T-RAckS plugins of this price value.
I'm not much familiar with Amplitube and the separate gears. Since for 149.99 free product I'll be choosing Amplitube 5 SE, I seek anyone of your suggestions of how I can utilize the offer to choose 13 49.99 products from Amplitube. Below or the products I own license from Amplitube.
Fender Collection
Metalli Pack
Yet to choose Amplitube 5 SE as part of 149.99 free slot.
Thanks in advance