I'm new to software-amping a DI signal and need some advice.
I have a POD HD500X and recording that through an interface has always given me a strong, healthy signal.
I just recently purchased the Pantera Amplitube pack and first tried recording directly into my interface. I had a completely weak signal. The waveform looked pretty bad, especially with any kind of finger tapping. It sounded really weak.
I then read that a DI box can help, and that if I had a guitar with active pickups (EMGs) that I should buy a passive DI box, so I picked up the JDI. I still have the same problem. Anything I play through this Dimebag pack sounds pretty bad compared to the kind of signal I can get out of my POD. It's only remotely useful if I'm really attacking the strings.
Do I need to boost my signal somehow before hitting the interface? Should I have picked up the active DI instead of the passive one? How do I get a healthy signal for software-based amping?