Hello everyone!
Ive been trying out Amplitube 4 for a few days now and have been enjoying it a lot. I love the custom shop feature, because it allows me to buy only the gear I own in real life for now to replicate that at home.
However, before deciding to buy all these things, I have a few questions:
1. If i spend around 50-100€ on gear, but later decide I want to upgrade to the complete version to have everything, will i get a discount for the already owned gear? Some other online shops do this considering I would basically be buying those pieces twice.
2. In real life i own a Quilter Mini Head 101. Its a very good clean solid state amp head and the main setting on it emulates a blackface fender from the 60s (but somehow its a lot more bassy). So far the closest amp I could find was the American Vintage D, but I thought I would use this opportunity to ask some of you what you would suggest. Maybe some of you own the quilter or played it before and can compare it to an amp? Fender is the right direction, but the Twin Reverb 65 is too trebly. The Vintage D is in the right ballpark, but it doesn't sound as well made as the original fender models, so maybe there is something else that is of higher quality? Not saying the Vintage D is bad, but I feel like Amplitube has better dynamics and feel on other amps.
Im trying to get my amplitube sound to be as close as possible to my real setup.
Thank you for helping me with either question!
Have a good evening!