I know mic placement is all about using your ears, but it would be great to have the option of a grid to snap to, or x/y/z co-ordinates displayed, for the mic placement section. It's just too small and fiddly right now, even tiny movements can make a big difference to the sound - once you find a position that works, it'd be nice to have some way to get back to that exact position e.g. if you want to try other positions before making a final decision. Yes, I know you can A/B, or save settings, but this gets fiddly too!
Also, would be nice to be able to move along one axis alone without fear of accidentally dragging it off one of the the other axes.
Here's my suggestion:
There are two places you can adjust position, the diagram with the speaker "flat on it's back" where you can see the cone (and where you can set what I'll refer to as the x and y axes), and the diagram below this where the speaker is on it's side (where you can set the distance from speaker, call this the z axis, but also the x axis can be affected...). So say I've set the position I want on the top diagram, (i.e. the x and y axes) then want to play around with the distance from the speaker (z axis) on the diagram below, I risk moving it off the x axis I've carefully selected above. I see no reason why the lower section couldn't restrict movement to only the z axis, e.g. distance from speaker. Or at least give an option to do this.
Plus an optional grid, and x/z/y axis positions displayed numerically. Doing this with real amps/mics, at least you can tape an "X" on the floor!
Hope this is clear, it's kind of difficult to explain, but anyone using this will probably know what I mean! It's a great feature, but needs refining.