I've been using Tonex Standard as a VST plugin amp sim in my DAW since it was released. That has been working very well. I was always puzzled when seeing posts about the Tonex software being confusing and was very happy with the 1.5 additions. Especially the filters and user folders.
I ordered a Tonex One pedal and read the user manual and Quickstart before it arrived. I had a specific goal. Immediately replace the 20 onboard slots with bass amp captures I've been using in my DAW. My plan was for A slot to be a clean sounding Ampeg B15 and the B slot to be an overdriven SVT. I put a Darkglass drive as slot C in case I wanted to use it as a stomp.
The above went well except for having to figure out that I couldn't do it from my DAW - that I had to run the stand alone Tonex.
My second step was to load the remaining 17 slots with other captures. This is where I started fighting with the software. It took me a while to figure out that I had to click on ToneNet and find the captures. I then found the capture I wanted in slot 4 and tried to drag it up in the Librarian. After figuring out that wouldn't work, I downloaded each capture and then dragged them all to a user folder I named "Tonex One". My next struggle was trying to arrange the captures in the folder so they matched the slot 4 through slot 20 order I wanted. I realized user assigned order isn't possible so wrote out a list how I wanted them and then dragged each downloaded capture to the slots. My next step was to screen print all twenty slots but couldn't figure out how to pull the slots section bigger so I had to screen capture 4 at a time and splice the screenshots together. I wish the colors were fully lit for each row in the display.
[mod redacted - unnecessary, and please review the rules when posting]
I'm very happy with the pedal and the above issues are moot because an M-VAVE Chocolate is on the way and I've got an Android phone running MIDI Chief and M-VAVE CubeSuite ready for it so I'll have the Android screen indicating which Tonex One slot is active and a foot controller to move through them. I saw another even more ambitious project where the developer was enabling real time control of parameters in the Tonex One from a Raspberry PI powered touch screen.