I have several Reaper project files that use envelopes to bypass certain Amplitube FX. Before upgrading to Amplitube Max v2, setting the envelope value high set the bypass state. Bringing it to zero removed the bypass state (effectively turning the FX on).
So, to turn on a given pedal, such as a delay, I would bring the bypass envelope to 0. I have a couple dozen Reaper projects like this and they've worked fine for years.
Then I upgraded to Amplitube MAX v2. Since then, bypass envelopes set to 0 no longer behave reliably. Sometimes it will work, but most of the the time a value of 0 no longer turns the FX pedal on (removes the bypass state). Instead, I have to set it to slightly above 0 to turn the FX on reliably.
This change of behavior happened immediately after upgrading to MAX v2. These Reaper projects files are for live shows and have been behaving reliably for over a year before the upgrade.
I'm curious if this or anything similar has happened to anybody else?
This is all being run on an HP laptop running Win10 and the latest version of Reaper.