Tempo Bug?

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Tempo Bug?

Postby alienpops » Wed May 05, 2021 7:00 am

I am unable to get the tempo to save to a preset in AT5 (5.0.2). I followed the instructions in the manual. Under preferences I have the Tempo Source set to "Preset". The instructions then say to "In the BPM display, click the BPM value, delete it, type a new one, and click Save." I do that and the tempo of any delay set to BPM sync does not change.

But also, in the manual, it says "When set to Preset, the BPM value is displayed in the BPM display in orange, as shown below." For one, the graphic in the manual does not show the BPM in orange and in my version of AT5, it does not change to orange either.

So I'm guessing this is a bug? Not sure what else I could do. I'd like to be able to get this working. Anyone else having this issue?

As a separate item, Ideally, if I set it to "preset" tempo source, I'm hoping that I can then use midi assigned tap tempo to change the tempo when AT5 is a plugin inserted into Logic. Seems like that should be doable?
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Re: Tempo Bug?

Postby Jvidamins1 » Wed Jan 29, 2025 9:29 pm

I'm experiencing the same issue. I thought it had worked before, but it certainly isn't at the moment. No matter what temp I set, none of the effects change, and all the effects that have "Sync BPM" feature have it turned on.
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Re: Tempo Bug?

Postby R0lias-tg » Tue Feb 04, 2025 3:43 am

I've never seen this work. I reported this to tech support (#6094819) back in August of 2023.
The response was:

Our team is aware of this behavior and is working on getting this resolved.

And that's the last I ever heard. I don’t know if they prioritize based on how many tech support requests they get but I would suggest you report it to tech support.

I have taken to just not using the BPM feature of pedals because it's pretty useless if the preset doesn't remember the tempo. I now do two things to work around. I calculate the millisecond delay needed for the BPM for a song and use that for the pedal. I also make the BPM of the song part of the preset name so I have that readily available if I need to tell the drummer the tempo.
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