Feature Requests (in descending order of priority)
1) When invoking a preset via MIDI, have a configurable option as to what part of the signal chain you want displayed. As it is now, the amp is shown. I use MIDI to control effects so this amp view is useless. Two possible variants that would be helpful:
a) Bring into focus the thing in the chain that's reacting to the last MIDI CC message
b) Let the user decide what part of the chain is displayed when invoking a preset via MIDI PC message (specific to each preset)
2) Full MIDI editability. All MIDI commands and associated values should be displayed in a table and editable. Further, that table should be exportable and importable. The learn action via the user interface is clumsy for lots of changes.
3) The UltraTuner needs alternate tuning options like half-step down, drop-D, etc. so you're not left trying to interpret what you see in the context of standard tuning. It would also help if you had a flat vs sharp notation option. I want to be able to select a mode and visually tune to center without figuring out how many cents down from standard or even converting sharp to flat in my head. An UltraTuner should do all those things.
4) Recover gracefully after a PC sleep/wake event. Shutting AT5 down and restarting to get the audio going again is a pain. And note, this isn't a function of the underlying ASIO driver as it isn't affected by the sleep/wake event.