Searching for an effect (sampler / infinite repeat)

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Searching for an effect (sampler / infinite repeat)

Postby PhutureProof » Tue Nov 19, 2024 5:23 pm

Hey Folks

Very happy new owner of amplitube 5 here what a fantastic product!

I am searching for an effect I don't know the official name of, my friend has a pedal that when activated will record a sample of any length of time and repeat it indefinitely, we use it as such

play a chord
quickly activate and deactivate pedal
pedal captures the chord sound and loops it forever so we can jam over it

is there anything like that available in amplitube 5? I have the max edition, I know I can use the looper to do it but the loop is quite long for what I want, I want to capture a very brief slice of an already played chord so it sounds more like a synth chord drone.

Hope that makes sense

If anyone knows of Mr Rick Beato on youtube he often uses these pedals / effect when he explain music theory

I found a similar pedal called the gamechanger plus pedal, this is what im looking for within amplitube if such a thing exists
Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Dec 27, 2018 11:11 am

Re: Searching for an effect (sampler / infinite repeat)

Postby PhutureProof » Sat Nov 23, 2024 4:25 pm

since no one replied and I have some other software available, i ended up making some a minor drone in fl studio to play over, i wish amplitube had this kind of effect tha i can quickly sample and sustain a chord im playing over and loop it endlessly, maybe this function exists within the software, but since no one answered me ill never know
Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Dec 27, 2018 11:11 am

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