Amplitube 5 sounds horrible after only 7 days.

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Amplitube 5 sounds horrible after only 7 days.

Postby Sharmon123@ » Sun Mar 26, 2023 4:08 am

What happened to Amplitube 5 ? The tones all sound horrible and very similar now. Du Hast doesn't even have distortion and the level is about -5dB and others are +2-5dB so the volume levels are all over the place. Support has no solution except re-install everything , it has been installed for 5 days and nothing was done to the box once it was working , they just all stopped working this morning. Pinch harmonics don't even come through even though I can hear it clearly on the strings.
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Re: Amplitube 5 sounds horrible after only 7 days.

Postby JoePorto1 » Sun Mar 26, 2023 5:43 pm

What is your input chain? DI of interface? Outboard DI into mic or line in?

Have you ruled out a guitar cable or guitar electronics (failing battery on an active guitar, etc.)

Have you doublechecked the input levels of your device?

Is this happening with a particular DAW project? Does the standalone version yield same results?
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Re: Amplitube 5 sounds horrible after only 7 days.

Postby Sharmon123@ » Sun Mar 26, 2023 6:27 pm

JoePorto1 wrote:What is your input chain? DI of interface?
Outboard DI into mic or line in?

Have you ruled out a guitar cable or guitar electronics (failing battery on an active guitar, etc.)

Have you doublechecked the input levels of your device?

Is this happening with a particular DAW project? Does the standalone version yield same results?

Thank you for your reply ,

It happens now with virtually every preset. I was playing with a few different presets on Tonet and they worked fine for about 3 days and then they degraded very quickly. It started when I started noticing a slight delay with some EVH presets but others worked fine. Then I noticed that pinch harmonics weren't coming through the output (L1/L2) or on a set of headphones (both have a virtually flat response) even though I clearly heard it on the strings. I then tried in on another guitar (first had classic 57s) using EMG 81/85s and switched my input on my Axe I/O SOLO from passive to active and still wasn't hearing it come through.

Ran the EMGs through the same cable but hooked up to a Peavey VK212 with a Boss Power Stack 2 in the effects loop and with the gain cranked up I pretended I was EVH in Eruption and it was almost too responsive and I switched back to the SC (classic 57s) and the harmonics sounded the way they should. The physical gear worked fine but when I hooked back up to the Axe I/O many presets had the lag now with some very noticeable to the point of being unusable.

I downloaded the IK version of Du Hast thinking the presets became corrupt somehow and there was no gain when I tried it as well. I moved it over to a Laptop install thinking my drivers may be messed up. It worked much better but only for a 10 minutes and then the presets sounded off on that install as well.

I was worried that the Axe I/O might have gone south after only 7 days so I used it to hook up to an install of Rocksmith and did a run through of a custom Eruption DLC and again it sounded spot on. ASIO4ALL was used calling up the Axe I/O for all output. This was using the same IK Axe ASIO driver / cables and guitar so I was relieved that the hardware seems fine.

My DAW is Presonus One v.6 but this was with Amplitube 5.5.4 in stand alone only. Some presets are very faint and muddy and other high gain presets have no gain at all. They worked fine for the first 3-4 days but degraded very quickly yesterday morning and on both installs.
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Re: Amplitube 5 sounds horrible after only 7 days.

Postby biddi4 » Sun Mar 26, 2023 6:54 pm

I would check the EMGs battery, or wiring.
Also, I would only use IK's ASIO drivers for the interface.
I never had luck with ASIO4all years ago. Finally realized there's no need for it.
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Re: Amplitube 5 sounds horrible after only 7 days.

Postby Sharmon123@ » Sun Mar 26, 2023 7:26 pm

The Classic 57s worked perfectly through the real Amp and the real pedal so did the EMGs (I change them out every 2 years on a schedule and they are Duracell red)

I am using the Axe I/O drivers and again the whole interface works fine in Rocksmith which uses the AK Axe drivers/Axe I/O /same cable as well.

The ASIO4ALL is only using the ASIO ini to call up the Axe I/O drivers , I can't stand that ridiculous cable and not being able to make and practice my own songs so I "fixed" it. The Axe I/O is actually a vastly superior interface with it and the lag is almost zero now. The hardware seems fine.
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Re: Amplitube 5 sounds horrible after only 7 days.

Postby Sharmon123@ » Mon Mar 27, 2023 4:03 pm

Found out the problem was with the Axe I/O SOLO all along. If you have a newer Windows computer you have to turn off EXP in the BIOS. This continues to provide USB power to devices so you can still charge USB devices with your computer shut down. This will leave your Axe I/O SOLO powered on indefinitely which will eventually corrupt the cached data from the Amplitube app. This will not be a problem on MACs or with the non SOLO version of the Axe as it has it's own power switch. There is no workaround.
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