question about tone capturing

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question about tone capturing

Postby Tony.F » Thu Jan 30, 2025 7:47 pm

I have an amp modeler, a strymon iridium, which IMO is a very capable device and I have been very satisfied with its capability and guitar tones.

Tone capturing is intriguing but I do have one question.

On the strymon iridium, as well as many other similar modelers, the guitar tone (in general) can be controlled very much like a real amplifier by turning down the volume knob on the guitar.

As an example, if you have the modeler set up for an "edge of break up" or even a "crunch" tone, you can turn down the volume control on the guitar and the tone will "clean up".

Do tone captures have that same capability, or does the tone that has been "captured" simply get quieter as you turn down the volume control on the guitar?
Posts: 17
Joined: Tue Nov 20, 2018 3:45 am

Re: question about tone capturing

Postby Tony.F » Sat Feb 01, 2025 6:54 am


Just realized this topic is in the wrong forum.
Posts: 17
Joined: Tue Nov 20, 2018 3:45 am

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