ToneX Modeler - Trim gain, how do YOU set it?

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ToneX Modeler - Trim gain, how do YOU set it?

Postby Rev2010 » Thu Apr 04, 2024 10:00 pm

So I've been curious about this as recently I saw a youtube video where the guy captured his high gain amp and to perfectly match the sound of the distortion he had to raise the trim gain (after the render) all the way before saving the model. I've always kept mine in the middle and was thinking shouldn't there be no need for a trim gain? If it's modeling the amp shouldn't it already be the same as the sound coming out of the amp with the gain as set on the amp?

So what do you all do? Do you find it varies amp to amp or that you always need it raised up for full high gain emulation, somewhere in between? Thanks!
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