Software License ToneX

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Software License ToneX

Postby Felixfabricio » Wed Mar 27, 2024 4:57 pm

I bought a used ToneX pedal. The person who sold it to me transferred the hardware licenses and ToneX Max and Amplitube 5 software.
The transfer of the ToneX pedal apparently was done (it appears among my hardware in the IK Multimedia Product Manager), but I am encountering problems with the software.
To make the transfer, the former owner purchased License Transfer Credit and carried out the procedure on the website. The problem is that when I try to register the software in IK Multimedia Manager the error message "Server Error: Serial Number registered by another user (code: 205)" appears.

Another problem is that I tried to access the tonex pedal librarian through ToneX CS (software that appears released for me in IK Multimedia Product Manager) but an error message appears saying that I need to register the pedal, even though the pedal is registered to my user.

This is the third ticket I have opened and I have not received any response from IK Multimedia support. The previous owner of the products has also opened many tickets, without any solution.
The transfer procedure was carried out, but I am unable to register the product and have not received a response from IK.
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Re: Software License ToneX

Postby Peter_IK » Wed Mar 27, 2024 5:06 pm

TONEX Pedal transfer is typically free and once the seller clicks the transfer button in IK Product Manager they would receive the serials in an email for the TONEX Pedal, AmpliTube 5, and TONEX MAX. It doesn't sound like they used this procedure to do so.

None of the admins, moderators, nor users can assist you with this so please provide your ticket number(s) and/or reply back to support to let them know their suggestions have not worked. If you provide ticket number(s) I can relay that information to the team.

Note that the guidelines at viewtopic.php?f=19&t=19505 have information about what to do if you have a support ticket with which you need further assistance.

Thank you.
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