Tonex and Amplitube sw not installing

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Tonex and Amplitube sw not installing

Postby chaijens » Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:53 pm

I just bought tonex pedal.
Neither tonex max software nor amplitube 5 is installing
It either hangs with a message „another installation is running“ (while there isnt“)

or it will hang on the final steps of the installation of installing scripts and just hangs there.

Mac M2mini pro Ventura 13.5.1

cleaned the Mac with clean my max 3 times, reinstalled and uninstalled, both softwares are not installing.
What a pity i wanted to use the tonex pedal with the profiles i bought for my gig tomorrow, Now i cant and i am considering sending everything back because i am getting fed up with all the software issues with IK products.

How can i install tonex and amplitube 5?? And is a new Mac 2 Mini pro..I am not going to reinstall my Mac..Can I attach a screenshot somewhere?
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