Question about getting set up to try amp captures

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Question about getting set up to try amp captures

Postby MagnumOpus007 » Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:28 pm

Hello All,

I have a Focusrite Scarlett interface that has two inputs (line or instrument level) and the two outputs are line level.

My understanding is that the output (which I believe will go to the tube amp) needs to be instrument level. If I use the headphone out and dial up the headphone volume a bit, will that do? If I simply use the line out into the tube amp, will the capture not work out?

My plan is to use my tube amp into a Suhr Reactive Load to bring the amp's output down to line level. I'm using an iMac with OS13. Thanks in advance for any advice.
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Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2023 7:38 pm

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