Echo/reverb problem with some captures

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Echo/reverb problem with some captures

Postby jpoparad » Fri May 12, 2023 6:40 pm

I've been doing a lot of captures of pedals to great success. I recently tried to capture the preamps directly from a few amps and I get this weird echo/reverb in the capture that sounds like I've got a very wet tile room reverb added to the amp sound. My setup is the same as with my pedal captures which don't have this problem (except once, but I reran the capture and it went away). Is there anything in a capture setup that can lead to this? When I'm testing the signal before the capture, everything sounds fine.

My setup: Focusrite Scarlett 4i4, out 3 -> homemade reamp box/pickup impedance simulator -> amp or pedal -> in 1 on Scarlett.
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Joined: Tue Sep 15, 2015 5:38 pm

Re: Echo/reverb problem with some captures

Postby Sharmon123@ » Mon May 29, 2023 9:09 pm

Sounds more like delay than reverb. Did you make sure that the impedances were matched at the input ? Sounds like a slight mismatch is creating a lag between the input and the amp. Just something I would look at.
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Joined: Sat Mar 11, 2023 11:21 pm

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