jerryvonfriend wrote:I’d like to see more discussion about how everyone goes about designing set ups. We have certain “go to’s” and I’d like folks to share tips and tricks. All my stuff can be searched by “JVF” and I’d like to really explore every avenue.
Maybe we need to start a new thread for this! Anyway ....
I try to treat all the gear models just as if they were real pieces of gear in a real studio -- right up to mic'ing the speakers -- and try to forget that it's really all 1s and 0s.
I admire some of the extremely complex and creative presets, but I tend to keep things simple, with amp/cab at the core of things, perhaps some pedals for boost or FX, and some go-to rack EQs and compressors for very light post-processing. If I need/want more complex tones for a recording project, I tend to do all that in the DAW. I tend to imagine myself setting up a fairly straightforward rig to record basic tracks in a studio, where additional tones and effects would be added in the mixing stage.
I am basically a "classic rock/metal" guy, so I tend to start by thinking about which decade my tone comes from (however it ends up when I'm done).

My "vintage go-tos" are the JH Gold, the OR120, and the HiAmp; I'm very "Brit", tone-wise. If I'm thinking more "generic" or "modern", my default starting point has long been the Rockerverb 50, though since AT5 I've also liked the Silverplate 50. And I increasingly go to the MiniPlex 20 for both vintagey Marshally vibes and modern higher-gain vibes; that's a great amp model for what I tend to do.
IMO, cabs are incredibly important, and I suspect many users insufficiently appreciate the variety of cabs and speakers available in AmpliTube, as well as the VIR modeling. It is, to be fair, a bit overwhelming! My go-to cab for vintagey things is the Satch Green, though I'll the HiAmp cab matches its head well, and though the stock Orange 4x12 model has V30 speakers, I have a gear preset saved with Brit Green speakers in the Orange 4x12. For more modern tones, I'll pick something with V30s, at least to start with. I often start with the basic Mesa 4x12, though I feel like that's a bit overused in modern recordings, so I'll often then try another cab model, just because!

The Slash cabs or just the Brit V30 cab are also good starting points, though I'll use the stock Orange 4x12 model with the Rockerverb. I'll usually start with a Dynamic 57 right up on the speaker and a
little off the centre -- since if I can't get a basically usable tone like that, then I can't get a basically useable tone.

If I want to try a second mic, my most recent go-to has been being the Condenser 414, though I've also had as past go-tos the Dynamic 421, the Ribbon 121, and the Condenser 87 or 67, and I still might jump to one of those, or even the Ribbon 160. I tend to mute out the room when first working on something. I tend to build a basic preset with just one cab, though I'll sometimes blend a more-modern and a more-vintage cab, especially in more-modern presets to provide a touch of vintagey vibe.
To boost, or not to boost?

I usually just work on the basic amp/cab tone first, though I often know if I want to boost and how. For vintagey tones, I'll usually reach for the Treble Booster from the Brian May collection -- that's how ya boosted, back in the day!

I'll play around with its settings, though, and a noise gate is generally advisable! For modern stuff, especially metals stuff, I'll usually start with the Overscream -- gain down, level up -- and perhaps later play around with other boost/dirt pedals with similar types of settings.
I like to have some rack EQ/compression that gets used very lightly. I tend to use either the EQ 81 or the V.EQ1-A, followed by either the Black 76 or White 2A set to provide no more than about a dB of gain reduction.
Other than for boost, stomps and rack effects are usually not big parts of my presets, though my favourite wah is the Wah 46 and my favourite delay is the SSTE; I like delay in front of the amp, in general. I will often see how a preset sounds with a phaser -- I like phaser

-- with my go-to being the Small Phaser. In my head, pedals go in front of the amp

so I tend not to use effects loops and so forth! But, like I say, I will see others' presets with supercool routing and I'm usually in awe of those.
That pretty much summarizes my apporach for guitar.

I have a different approach for bass, but I won't ramble about it right now!