Uno Drum now working imac 2011 garageband

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Uno Drum now working imac 2011 garageband

Postby Mythery80 » Mon Jun 07, 2021 11:55 am

Hi I bought the Uno Drum to add more interesting drums to my garageband music. When I connect it I can see it registering presses on the screen. I have updated the firmware and installed the imac plugin and even when pressing the digital drum plugin it shows a press but no sound all other devices I've been able to plug and play. Is there something in doing wrong here. I've tried connecting via USB for power and connectivity plus aux cable to back of imac and nothing.
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Re: Uno Drum now working imac 2011 garageband

Postby Peter_IK » Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:51 pm

It sounds like you are routing the audio from UNO Drum to GarageBand to your Mac via that AUX cable into the headphone input/output jack? If so, do you have an audio track set up to monitor that audio input? UNO Drum is not going to send any audio over USB you would need to make sure there is an audio track set to monitor and record the audio output from UNO Drum itself.
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Re: Uno Drum now working imac 2011 garageband

Postby Mythery80 » Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:42 pm

Oh I bet I don't! I'm so used to plug and play with traditional keyboards I will give this a try after figuring out how to do it haha thanks for the response
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Re: Uno Drum now working imac 2011 garageband

Postby Mythery80 » Tue Jun 08, 2021 2:31 pm

Hi so I tried what you suggested and the only way to get an audio track to monitor on garageband is to add a track as a mic or guitar and when I press monitor you can hear the ambience of the room as sound so it's not a direct connection. When I have the track selected with the Uno drum digital plugin open I don't see anywhere on this to select monitor. I hope this isn't the limits of garageband causing this. Any other suggestions as I'm stuck?
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Re: Uno Drum now working imac 2011 garageband

Postby Peter_IK » Tue Jun 08, 2021 4:13 pm

You may need to select the input source on an audio track in GarageBand to get it to work properly. Please check out this Apple document that details how to create tracks in GarageBand for the steps: ... a07333/mac
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