UNO Drum audio output connection problem/fault

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UNO Drum audio output connection problem/fault

Postby » Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:19 pm

I recently pirchased an Uno Drum (brand new). The unit seems to have a fault. If I plug my 3.5mm jack cable into the (audio output) socket all the way I get almost no sound. I have to pull the jack out about half way to get a correct connection and normal volume.

I have tried with several cables & same result

Is this a known issue? Should I contact my reatiler for a replacement unit?

Any advice musch appreciated.
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Re: UNO Drum audio output connection problem/fault

Postby Peter_IK » Wed Jun 03, 2020 4:03 pm

If you are using a standard 1/8" stereo cable (not a TRRS) you should not need to do what you describe. Sounds like you might be using TRRS cables, though. Do they have two or three rings?
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Re: UNO Drum audio output connection problem/fault

Postby » Wed Jun 03, 2020 10:05 pm

Many thanks for your reply.
The cables have two rings so standard trs I presume.
Unfortunately I'm guessing it may be a faulty unit but I'd rather be certain before I send it back for a replacement.
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Re: UNO Drum audio output connection problem/fault

Postby the_cursor » Sun Jun 21, 2020 6:36 am

I have that issue with my UNO Synth and just today learned that backing the 3.5mm jack out halfway would allow me to hear audio over my monitors.

It gets weirder. My headphones have a 1/4" jack so I use a 3.5mm adapter. If I plug it in all the way, I can hear through my headphones. However, if I attach the same adapter to a 1/4 TRS cable connected to my audio interface, I have to back the adapter out halfway or I'll get no audio through my monitors.

The halfway connection is a janky workaround but I can live with it for now.
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Re: UNO Drum audio output connection problem/fault

Postby 2E0FOA » Sat Aug 15, 2020 8:41 am

I had this same problem on the Synth and Drum I received yesterday.
I suspect the Uno has a mono output where the contact for the 'ring' part of a TRS plug is not connecting the correct conductor in the stereo cable (both ends connected Ring to Ring).
In the manual the wiring diagram shows the sleeve (ground) part of the 3.5mm plug at the Uno end electrically connected to the ring part of a 1/4" plug at the audio end, or pole 3 on an XLR plug..

So, I will make a cable up today. I think there are a couple of options; make up both ends as per the diagram in the manual, or take an existing cable and bridge the ring and sleeve conductors on the 3.5mm end.

I'll do the former and report back findings as it's likely easier than trying to faff with an existing (small diameter) cable.
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Re: UNO Drum audio output connection problem/fault

Postby Peter_IK » Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:08 pm

Instead of making any special cables, messing with hardware directly, etc I'd recommend consulting the folks that are here to help you in IK Support via

I'm sure they can figure out what is happening and get you on track.
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Re: UNO Drum audio output connection problem/fault

Postby lazyman » Tue Sep 15, 2020 12:23 pm


If You trying to connect to audio mixer or active speaker with TRS cable, this will not work.

Outputs from both Uno Synth and Drum are mono. This will work when headphones are connected, but not with audio mixer or any TRS line in.

In TRS connector, TIP is positive, RING is negative, SLEEVE is ground.
On Synth outputs, TIP and RING are interconected, SLEEVE is ground.
If You connect Synth with Mixer with TRS-TRS cable, You are sending same signal to both positive and negative end of balanced signal input, and signal is cancelled out.

So correct cable is:

RING-------TIP or Not Connected
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Re: UNO Drum audio output connection problem/fault

Postby chmeee5 » Wed Jun 02, 2021 2:13 am

Many thanks lazyman - this was exactly my problem. With the manual stating the audio out was stereo (mono summed) I'd assumed that a TRS connector was needed even though I still expected mono input into my mixer/audio interface.

Swapping the 3.5mm TRS - 6.35mm TRS cable for a 3.5mm TS - 6.35mm TS cable did the trick.

Thanks again mate.
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Re: UNO Drum audio output connection problem/fault

Postby mwlcarter » Mon Dec 13, 2021 10:19 pm

I just got my Synth and Drum yesterday, and connected them with a stereo cable. Out on the Drum, In on the Synth, headphones out on the Synth. The Synth is about twice as loud as the Drum. So, should I be using a mono aux cable instead?

(I'm a beginner, so TRS/TS/TRRS kind of loses me...)
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