UNO Editor "Waiting for UNO"

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Re: UNO Editor "Waiting for UNO"

Postby blackofe » Mon May 20, 2019 6:34 pm

Peter_IK wrote:I'm not sure what might be using UNO Synth in that case, then, especially after restart. I'd recommend opening a ticket with IK Support at for direct support so they can troubleshoot directly with you and assist. Thanks!

yes. i'm afraid this is the only choice.

thank you!
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Re: UNO Editor "Waiting for UNO"

Postby andivax » Fri Feb 21, 2020 5:48 pm

Standalone Editor works OK.
VSTi in Reaper shows "waiting for UNO" if Uno MIDI in/out enabled in Reaper MIDI Preferences.
If it's disabled in MIDI Preferences editor works but I can't send MIDI to synth via ReaInsert.

Moog SubPhatty works OK both standalone editor and VSTi.
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Re: UNO Editor "Waiting for UNO"

Postby Peter_IK » Fri Feb 21, 2020 6:03 pm

andivax wrote:SAME HERE.
Standalone Editor works OK.
VSTi in Reaper shows "waiting for UNO" if Uno MIDI in/out enabled in Reaper MIDI Preferences.
If it's disabled in MIDI Preferences editor works but I can't send MIDI to synth via ReaInsert.

Moog SubPhatty works OK both standalone editor and VSTi.

If any information in this thread does not help you, this is a matter for IK Support to assist you with directly as this is primarily a user-to-user discussion forum (not for direct official technical support from IK). They can be reached at and would be happy to assist you. Thank you.
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Re: UNO Editor "Waiting for UNO"

Postby ferdyferd » Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:32 pm

Can someone help please? im about to throw this piece of plastic out of the window - I can hear sounds but cant seem to get it to be recognised by my Mac - the updater wont see the Uno to update and the synth editor just hangs - So very frustrating - it sounds good but I cant integrate it into my rig....
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Re: UNO Editor "Waiting for UNO"

Postby Peter_IK » Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:12 am

This FAQ, posted earlier in the thread, solves almost all "Waiting for UNO" issues.
Peter_IK wrote:I found this FAQ useful when the editor was saying "Waiting for UNO"

If it does not, the IK Support team will happily assist you and take care of your issue via
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Re: UNO Editor "Waiting for UNO"

Postby hads323 » Wed Jun 02, 2021 3:18 pm

Hi there,
I want to update my synth but i can't get a connection to the editor.
Editor is searching but allways no device.
Anybody know the problem and how I can solve it?
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Re: UNO Editor "Waiting for UNO"

Postby Peter_IK » Wed Jun 02, 2021 3:21 pm

Mano0502 wrote:Hi there,
I want to update my synth but i can't get a connection to the editor.
Editor is searching but allways no device.
Anybody know the problem and how I can solve it?

If you followed the suggestions in the FAQ posted above and it does not resolve your issue please contact IK Support at for direct assistance.
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Re: UNO Editor "Waiting for UNO"

Postby 19Mohat91 » Fri Oct 22, 2021 1:59 pm

Hey, I just had the exact same problem. Everything worked fine in the standalone editor but in FL STUDIO the MIDI output was shown red.

I just figured out what the problem was in my case.
I had selected a MIDI IN and MIDI OUT in the synth, which works like this:

- press ALT
- press MIDI to select the MIDI IN with the up and down buttons (there's a green light above the MIDI button)
- press MIDI to select the MIDI OUT with the up and down buttons (there's an orange light above the MIDI button)
- press ALT again

In the MIDI settings of FL STUDIO I had selected the exact same port numbers for MIDI In and MIDI OUT for the UNO Synth.

Now, here's the solution that I found kinda by accident: I just set the MIDI OUT port in the FL STUDIO MIDI menu for the UNO SYNTH to neutral (instead of a number there's this: ---) and boom, the VST editor loads and I have full access to the synth.

Let's hope it stays that way :)
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Re: UNO Editor "Waiting for UNO"

Postby dhstsw70 » Thu Dec 09, 2021 3:20 pm


Windows 10 Pro 64bit.

tried it with Live, Studio One, Reaper.
Plugin simply refuses to work.

The editor connects without any problem (and is configured as per faq).

Plugin, when loaded in a daw (doesn't matter if vst or vst3) *sends* midi but don't receive any, so is always in "Waiting for Uno".

-In the DAW the midi ports used by Uno are disabled (so they're not "busy" and avaiable to the plugin);
-As per the above, the midi ports in the plugin are in "gray" (not red), so they're avaiable.
-I even tried the normal midi in/outs in Uno with an external midi interface: Editor works, plugin is always waiting for uno.

Weird thing1: loading the plugin in minimal VST hosts (meaning, not a DAW) like IL MiniHost or Element, it works no problem.

Weird thing2: if i wrap the vst plugin in jBridge it "kind of works". Meaning, it connects to Uno, does everything (but in a glitchy way) BUT doesn't connect if i load a saved project with it.

I'm using hardware synths editors that works by the same principle (using "free" midi ports for I/O with the instrument) daily without any issue.

Now, i read that this is a thing that Support will be glad to work on.
I opened a ticket (#6557595) 5 days ago and still have to see any signs of life on IK side [mod redacted - unnecessary, please review the forum rules before posting and these guidelines with regard to escalating a ticket viewtopic.php?f=10&t=19505 ]

To says the truth i'm not too hopeful: i've reading reports about this problem all over the internet with no definitive solution and the last update to the plugin is from 2 years ago.

By now i feel quite frustrated and i'm only 'happy' i didn't spend money in the more expensive Pro.
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Re: UNO Editor "Waiting for UNO"

Postby BatsEverywhere32 » Wed Apr 13, 2022 11:08 pm

Did anyone ever figure this out?

I'm in the same boat using Ableton Live.

The stand-alone editor works fine, but as soon as I load the VST into Live I can't get it to connect.
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Re: UNO Editor "Waiting for UNO"

Postby Peter_IK » Wed Apr 13, 2022 11:55 pm

BatsEverywhere32 wrote:Did anyone ever figure this out?

I'm in the same boat using Ableton Live.

The stand-alone editor works fine, but as soon as I load the VST into Live I can't get it to connect.

The FAQ mentioned above addresses "Waiting for UNO" specifically:

If that doesn't resolve your issue IK Support will gladly assist you directly. Thank you.
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Re: UNO Editor "Waiting for UNO"

Postby simonmoorby123 » Fri Apr 29, 2022 5:08 pm

just bought and received the uno, wished id seen these posts first.
ive tried the ik solutions and gotten nowhere.
the uno is activating keys on the vst but i cant load any presets, just says waiting for uno.

if theres no solution then i will send it back as its a complete waste of money as i record through my computer.
does anyone have a fix?. ableton 10 in windows 10.
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Re: UNO Editor "Waiting for UNO"

Postby Peter_IK » Fri Apr 29, 2022 6:50 pm

The FAQ is the solution for almost all occurrences of "waiting for UNO" and the IK Support team will happily assist you since that didn't resolve your problem. There should be a link in that FAQ to open a ticket with them.

Note that in order to record UNO Synth on your computer you must send its audio output into your audio interface as it is an analog synthesizer and does not send audio via USB or MIDI connection to your computer.
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Re: UNO Editor "Waiting for UNO"

Postby simonmoorby123 » Fri Apr 29, 2022 7:17 pm

plugging into the audio gives a really horrible pssshhhtt sound which i cant get rid of. the advertisng of a vst for the uno is quite misleading, it doesnt make any sounds, just extra controls. i dont see how i can use this for getting any decent recordings, i might as well just stick to my keyboard and vst sounds. not impressed with this unit at all.
i wouldnt recomend this to anyone wanting to record via there pc unless there prepared to messabout a lot. much easier using the retro vst's for a fraction of the price and just as much control over the sounds.
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Re: UNO Editor "Waiting for UNO"

Postby Peter_IK » Fri Apr 29, 2022 7:26 pm

People get great sounds from UNO Synth. There might be factors like bus noise if you have it connected to your computer via USB etc but there are some tips to avoid that kind of noise on the UNO Synth Specs page: ... hp?p=specs
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