Talk MIDI to me!
I understand only a few things about MIDI.
That's what I know so Far: Synthesizer can "talk " via MIDI . Every synth gets a Number from 1-16. Over MIDI Synthesizer can share Note and Modulation Information. But here are my Questions:
1. If 2 Instruments should play the same, did they need the same MIDI channel? For example UNO synth is Master playing a Sequence and 2 other slave instruments should play the same. Do they than all have MIDI channel 1?
2. Did the Synthesizer only share the clock if every instrument is set on different MIDI Channels?
For example UNO synth is Master and MIDI out is channel 1 , synth 2 is on MIDI channel 2 and so on.
3. Can I share only automation information instead of Notes? And if yes how does it work? I know that both synthesizer must understand the Information. I know that on MIDI CC 35 or 37 can control the cut off from the Filter in the UNO synth. So let's say I have a gear that understand this Message from UNO synth. Did I set MIDI out channel 35? (I think it was 35) or do they only need different Channels? But did I than control the other instruments, too? Is it possible to say: UNO synth is Master and send Notes to synth 1 but Automation to synth 2 ?
Hope you can help.